Author Topic: Shooting range  (Read 8809 times)

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Offline jurek

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2020, 10:30:51 PM »
Glad I don't live in Germany.
If I did I would not tell the rest of the world what they should do.
As far as Covid 19 at indoor ranges ......huh?
But hey bullets are cheap there

You have just sounded like typical US citizen who haven't seen anything just own land. Sorry for this comment but actually I'm on Gmork's side in this discussion and you just embarrassed me with your words. Especially when usually USA tells rest of the World what to do   :(

Offline recoilguy

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2020, 09:43:43 AM »
Ahhhhh....sorry you are embarrassed.
My intent wasn't to embarrass you.
What did you just sound like with your post back to me?
I sounded like exactly what I am..... a typical American.
I am very well traveled, however much to your dismay, I still love America. Nothing wrong with loving my country. It doesn't mean I haven't been elsewhere. That's an insult to me. You may not like what "typical Americans" sound like. But jumping to - I am uninformed or have not traveled shows a short sighted and tainted perception.
After both of you chastising me for my opinion and telling me why it is irrelevant. I still am glad I don't live in Germany and am not so thin skinned and willing to let the state decide where and what I can do for me. I am informed, very informed actually, I am on the board of an indoor range here in the mean old USA, and our members safety is our first concern. We do it on our own and because our members have choices, so we make our range the best place and safest for them to want to be. Not because we are mandated. I make decisions based on what I know and care to do ....not what I am told is best for me by those who know better. Or as accused because I am an uniformed ignorant American.

I find it funny and frustrating that I can give my opinion and be blasted by others assuming their opinion is more relevant then mine because I am an American.

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Offline Hammer Time

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2020, 10:51:19 AM »


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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2020, 11:34:25 AM »
Back to the topic, I like shooting outside. I test my ability to call wind and adjust to conditions. I sight in and work up loads indoors to test my reloading skills. Mainly rifle.

Offline huskyfever03

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2020, 02:43:34 PM »
gone away from shooting indoors. too many dipbleeps

Offline jurek

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2020, 07:30:35 PM »

It's just discussion between two adult people risen differently and having different opinions.  ;)


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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2020, 08:06:40 PM »
Glad I don't live in Germany.
If I did I would not tell the rest of the world what they should do.
As far as Covid 19 at indoor ranges ......huh?
But hey bullets are cheap there

You have just sounded like typical US citizen who haven't seen anything just own land. Sorry for this comment but actually I'm on Gmork's side in this discussion and you just embarrassed me with your words. Especially when usually USA tells rest of the World what to do   :(
I have always found it interesting the people who chastise this country in this way. Seems rather odd that the one country on the planet that EVERYONE seems to want to come to is the one they all hate the most and want to change. I'll just put it simply in the words of the late great Merle Haggard: They love our milk and honey but they preach about another way of living, and If you don't love it leave it.
I'm not sorry either for being offensive as I won't hold my tongue when I hear people run down my country.

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2020, 08:54:42 PM »
I have always found it interesting the people who chastise this country in this way. Seems rather odd that the one country on the planet that EVERYONE seems to want to come to is the one they all hate the most and want to change. I'll just put it simply in the words of the late great Merle Haggard: They love our milk and honey but they preach about another way of living, and If you don't love it leave it.
I'm not sorry either for being offensive as I won't hold my tongue when I hear people run down my country.

Well said.
As I've said before, Unapologetically American. 
« Last Edit: November 16, 2022, 10:46:47 AM by Wobbly »

Offline CCWLearner

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2020, 12:02:57 AM »
I frequent both indoor and outdoor ranges.  Indoor ranges obviously have the advantage of being sheltered from bad weather and other outdoor inconveniences like mud and insects.  Also the indoor ranges I frequent have targets hanging on mechanized tracks, whereas the outdoor ranges have hot / cold periods for hanging new targets, which eats into your shooting time.  The local outdoor range I frequent has the advantage of multiple spacious bays with different types of steel targets, which for me are the most enjoyable targets to shoot with my CZ pistol or plink with my .22 rifle.  There are generally also longer distance targets available, although we now have a local indoor range with a 100 yard rifle range, which is plenty far enough for me.

There are several indoor ranges in my local area.  One is old and dirty with poor ventilation.  I don't go there.  All the rest are relatively new, clean, and claiming to have state-of-the-art ventilation systems that recycle the air X number of times per hour and filter down to Y size particles.

As far as lead, these indoor ranges with their industrial strength HVAC systems are designed to suck lead gas and other bad stuff downrange towards the berm.  As far as COVID-19, some of these same ranges claim that these same systems will filter airborne droplets that may be carrying a virus out the same way they filter out lead and other contaminants.  That may be true, but unlike the gases coming out of your firearm at the firing line, the stuff coming out of the cluster of people standing behind you and talking, caughing, etc. is going to get pulled right over you on its way downrange.

Of the two different indoor ranges I have been to since the COVID-19 thing happened in the Spring, they both have notes on the front door saying masks are mandatory, then you get inside the lobby area and find usually half of the customers, but none of the employees or the owner, actually wearing masks.  Once you are out on the range, then there are even fewer people wearing masks.  You can debate the actual risk of catching this virus, but for above-mentioned reasons I don't think their HVAC system provides any magical protection from airborne droplets coming out of maskless people standing behind the firing line, so I wear a mask.

Back around May I decided that I should probably go and see how I would do with my pistols while wearing nitrile gloves and a mask.  So I went and tested that.  I got premature slide lockback as a left-handed shooter because the glove was interfering with the slide lock.

Back on the subject of lead, another thing I do is I keep an old pair of shoes in a plastic bag, and my range bag, both in a plastic tote.  At home these items stay in the tote.  When I go to the range, the tote goes into the trunk of the car.  When I get there, I change my shoes in the parking lot.  When I leave, I change back into my regular shoes before driving home.  I also have lead removal wipes in my range bag, and lead removal hand soap and shampoo at home for after I return.

At the outdoor range I don't feel the need to wear a mask if I don't have anyone other than my household members nearby me, which is usually the case.  Of course there's the one odd RSO who wants to come over maskless and chit chat for some reason totally unrelated to our safe use of the range.  Normally I would be receptive to this but not at the moment.  So I tell my sons to keep their masks handy and mask up when we see him coming.  He seems offended and leaves.  That's alright I guess.  If we aren't doing anything unsafe, and he isn't calling a cease fire, then he doesn't need to tell us anything.

Anyway, I don't know all of the regulatory details, but I thought OSHA or some similar agency regulated lead levels at gun ranges.  Either way I manage my own lead exposure risks by not going into indoor ranges with stale air and decrepit old HVAC systems, not tracking lead on my shoes through my car or home, and not eating or drinking on the range or with unwashed hands after shooting.

I'll mention another funny thing.  When I go shopping I wear a mask, which is mandatory, and I also wear a set of 3M safety glasses.  So I'm walking around Walmart or Kroger with this stuff on, also strapped with my P-07 and extra mag.  If I popped in some ear pro and put on my lead-contaminated shoes, I'd be range ready.  God Bless America.


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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2020, 02:03:07 AM »
Going to indoor ranges in current situation is kind of a moral hazard.


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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2020, 05:20:35 AM »
The EU have strict environmental rules which apply also to shooting ranges. It is thus very difficult to obtain all the relevant permits if you want to open a shooting range, especially an indoor one.

I don't feel comfortable nowadays using an indoor range. I was shooting two weeks ago a pistol match wearing a mask. I won this match but it was very little pleasure shooting while wearing a mask.

Offline Psyop96

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2020, 07:43:48 AM »

BTW In total, I have visited the USA seven times so far, never for professional reasons but always to visit friends or as a tourist. But for now, given the current health threats and political realities in the USA, I won't repeat it.The last sentence is meant as a purely factual statement

As an FYI of the rapidly deteriorating health situation in parts of Europe, especially in the Czech Republic... the Czechs reported an unprecedented surge and record in the daily number of Covid positive cases to over 11,000 yesterday. This is from a population of over 10 million. For comparison, the state of Illinois also reported a daily record of over 4,000. This is from a population of 12 million. Stay safe and healthy wherever you are, folks.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Offline jurek

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2020, 11:53:47 AM »
I still am glad I don't live in Germany and am not so thin skinned and willing to let the state decide where and what I can do for me.

I'm not going to continue the conversation which goes off the topic, but to be honest it may look than German can feel more freedom in few aspects... let take an example of Citizen of New York City, who has constitutional right to bear the firearm (CONSTITUTIONAL - there is no Law above the Constitution).... and where is his right?
"The License Division provides a 17-page document that contains the application form to get a handgun license, and a thirteen-page application for a rifle/shotgun permit."
 O0 17 pages... it's way more than 2nd Amendment...

Anyway, we step out from the topic, let forget the rest... I'm just saying to NOT JUDGE other Countries. USA is a great Nation... but not always the best.....

Offline Wobbly

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2020, 02:28:40 PM »
I thank God that I live where I can walk out into my back yard and shoot all I want.

At almost anytime of day. And sometimes, over the noise of all my neighbors shooting, I can even hear my own shots.


In God we trust; On 'Starting Load' we rely.

Offline recoilguy

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Re: Shooting range
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2020, 10:50:57 AM »
Nice, what a great spot to be!!

Its easy being a communist in a free country
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