Looking for suggestions on:
powders to try
bullet weights
bullets sizing - I see some are .452 and some .454 - need to slug the barrel?
Bullet types - lead, coated, jacketed, etc
fwiw, unless you have a stock of supplies, you may not have a choice.
i would look at your reloading manuals and see what offered in data and what you may have OTS so that you wont have to buy something new and may not like/use it anymore. but thats how i think.
bullets. Id stick to 1 caliber/diameter. less confusion down the road.
fwiw, i reload for economy or more bang for the buck. So guess what will be more expensive?
Any tricks or things to know about 45 colt? I've not reloaded for a revolver before.
not that i know of. To me, reloading is reloading and i cant think of any tricks for any caliber, so far.
Any better dies than others?
if you are a machinist, you will know this answer. im not, but i dont have any issue with buying different brands if necessary. I have in the past and i sold/gave the other ones away to settle on 1 brand.
i try to keep all of my dies the same mfg so that when it comes to adjustments/accessories they are all the same and i know how to use them.
Will be loading on a Hornady LNL.
some comments....
> i will +BIG 1 for what wobbly says about case and space. more space to screw up if you are not paying attention.
> fwiw, i have 44 mag and 45LC. In the mag i shoot alot of SWC @ 1000 or so FPS. Its not fast, but i can shoot them all day. Leading is the issue, but im moving to copper wash.
> try starting at the bottom of the table and see what you think. IIRC, the Taylor replica is not setup to handle HOT loads like the larger frame Rugers, so keep your loads in the Older/Original COLT 45 book.
have fun