I don't start a lot of threads over there but I read a lot of threads, "listen" to the experts argue back and forth and try to sift through it to find out what works for me.
Sometimes it's like 1911 problems posts on most forums (you know, 1911's are garbage and don't function well). I've got some 1911s and they are great (Colt) pistols with no issues. One just passed 100 years old 3 years ago and runs like a top. But, someday, one might have a problem and I hope I'll remember what someone else did to fix theirs. Sort of like reading here about P07 problems, or P01 problems. Only CZ issues I've had I created myself when doing mods (DA/SA to SA only on that CZ75 Compact built like a P01). But, someday, I might have problems with a CZ and maybe I'll remember what someone else here did, or recommended, to get it fixed.