I see the duckbill as a 2 handed operation but I can operate my stock CZ mag release with my right hand only while grabbing a new mag from my belt. Much more effective for me
Why would the Duckbill require a two-handed operation? I seem to be able t operate mine easily with the same hand I'm clearing the mag with, no second hand needed, no different than the stock release.
If it takes one hand to depress the duckbill and pull the mag, don't you have to hold the gun with the other hand?
Sorry, I guess I'm not following you. In my experience, the Duckbill operates the same as the OEM mag release, and you can manipulate it the same, it's just that it offers a little more angle. There's nothing interfering with using the Duckbill with your trigger finger, in a "one-handed" release, if that's what you want to do, and more importantly -
if you are using mags that drop free. In fact, because the angle put the Duckbill even closer to the trigger guard, I think it actually makes it easier.
Personally, not all the mags I use drop free, which is why I use my "off hand" to manipulate the release and clear the mag at the same time.