Author Topic: Another CZ bites the dust...  (Read 13974 times)

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Offline George16

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Re: Another CZ bites the dust...
« Reply #90 on: December 02, 2020, 11:46:08 PM »
So much wrong in this thread. The Omega was clearly a simplified system that allowed them to consolidate manufacture.  No separate assembly and sales of a BD model and a B model. My first 75 BD is a 99 manufacture and my first P01 is an 05. I have run a Kadet on both along with their 9 uppers. Lots of rounds. Lots of trigger actuations. Until I fairly recently swapped in a CGW pro package into both they were running their original TRS. Then you claim how hard it is to swap out a TRS. In fact if I read you correctly, you very incorrectly believe you have to remove the sear cage to swap one out. Seriously you don’t understand the sharp end of a pencil. It is in fact very easy to swap out not only the TRS but the actual trigger as well without removing anything but the trigger pin.  If I broke 15 of the same springs I would sell every one of those guns and bad mouth them forever. I guess you are just happy with the bad mouthing part Clearly you are doing something goofy.

By the way, if somebody tells you to dry fire a gun 10,000 times to smooth it out, that is just bad advice. Take the gun apart, smooth out some parts, and put it back together. Why would you purposely do that?  If you are running original firing pin retaining pins they might be broke as well. SMDH.

We really need a “like” button.

Couldn’t agree more with your post.

Offline briang2ad

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Re: Another CZ bites the dust...
« Reply #91 on: December 03, 2020, 08:01:48 AM »
Did I bad mouth the Omega as a system with no reason to exist?  No.  Why did they make it easier to assemble and service?  Cuz the sear cage is a PITA to remove with the 75 decocker and in order to be convertible.  Because it is different it behaves differently.  Feel a regular P01 - the DA is lighter.  Also, while SOME Omegas can be quite smooth and not stack OTB, others stack badly - and some cannot ever be fixed right.  Maybe you need to talk to CGW like I have.  I have worked extensively on Omegas and PreBs and know a little about how they behave. 

No I admit, I never replaced the TRS without removing the FCG.  Why?  Cuz I never was taught otherwise and never saw it on a vid or sticky - always willing to learn.  Also, I simply remove the FCG and polish/tune when doing so anyway. 

I started the thread because as you note I found it aggravating - and because it has happened to frequently as to seem to be a larger problem than most think.  That's all.  I also acknowledge the gun's inherent strengths and work through it much to your chagrin.  I can take hate - it's OK.  Obviously it happens and people know about it. Do some searches.  it didn't happen to you?  Good for you.

I thoroughly enjoy how these guns - both 75 and P shoot.  And I'll stay at it - sorry if that offends.

But the information is useful IF AGAIN - people have to make a decision and cannot afford to have other options. 

Hopefully people can post here and not always play the fanboy.  And yes, I am a fan of CZ pistols.

Or maybe folks who have been here 15 years aren't supposed to raise issues with their pistols.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2020, 08:10:03 AM by briang2ad »

Offline pedropcola

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Re: Another CZ bites the dust...
« Reply #92 on: December 03, 2020, 08:29:00 AM »
Nobody hates you. We think you ore full of it. You clearly don’t understand many issues with taking apart a CZ. You clearly think sitting in front of the TV mindlessly pulling the trigger thousands of times in a row to “smooth” it out is a good idea. You have a lot to learn but your problem is you don’t want to listen to anyone. As to your gun that broke after 1000 pulls, I just don’t believe you. Based on everything you say I bet you dry fired it to death as well.

When one person out of a hundred has an experience that is way outside of the standard deviation, it is beyond fair to question the stat. Literally you claim you’ve broken 15 TRS’s and even when everyone else tells you their experience you have yet to self examine and see if the guy looking at you in the mirror is the problem and not the gun.

By the way, your point that a CZ gunsmith called it a weak point doesn’t mean much. If you were a Beretta guy the TRS is one of those parts you hear breaking as well. You can buy different, “better”, replacements.  As you become more experienced working on guns you will realize springs break. Just not at the rate you are experiencing.

So to be clear, no hate, just this. You are doing something wrong.

Offline briang2ad

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Re: Another CZ bites the dust...
« Reply #93 on: December 03, 2020, 08:47:56 AM »
Pedro:  Hate = you think I am a liar. That's OK - you just out'd yourself - that's all.  DO even I think that 1000 dry fires and 600 rounds is short for a CZ TRS?  Yes. It happened and from the vid posted - it may have happened to a recent gun review.  Wake up. 

I heard of people replacing the TRS without taking out the FCG - just hadn't done it. 

You know nothing of what I know about working on CZs - but claim to.  That is illogical.

CGW is not just another smith.  If you knew what you talked about you wouldn't say this. 

Offline pedropcola

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Re: Another CZ bites the dust...
« Reply #94 on: December 03, 2020, 09:04:23 AM »
Grow up. A video of you posting a broken spring isn’t proof to anyone. My point on the gunsmith was that if you talked to a Beretta gunsmith and asked the most likely spring to break guess what he would say?  Yep, the TRS. Saying it’s the weak spot and saying they break all the time aren’t the same thing.

I don’t know your experience about working on CZ’s. I do know you are removing the sear cage to replace a TRS. What does that tell someone?  You have some serious gaps in your working knowledge. You know the other part that is a weak spot?  The stock pin that retains the firing pin. Ever check those?  With your self disclosed dry fire issues, I guarantee they are deformed and likely broken. Cheap easy fix though. You don’t believe us. I get it. You think I’m an abrasive jerk, ok. Call your guy at Cajun and see what he thinks about your experience.

Your “experience” is clearly an outlier. You somehow can’t come to grips with that. Yes I think you are mistaken or forgetting how many times you dry fired the low breakage gun. Why?  Because you have a ludicrous history of breaking the same part. You sound like you dry fire a thousand times for every actual round you fire. I would love to hear the actual round counts of these broken guns. Not trigger pulls, actual rounds fired. I know no one who counts how many dry fires they do so yes I think it’s possible with your own stated history that you don’t have an accurate count.

Or you are just the unluckiest guy in the world. Yes, that must be it, everyone else is incorrect. FML

Here’s my experience on my 5 75 version that I’ve owned and worked on for a couple decades. They have tens of thousands of rounds through them. Some in 9mm some in 22 via a couple Kadet kits. I have replaced springs never had one break. Obviously this is a meaningless bet, yet I would bet you a hundred bucks that I could take one if your guns, make it my match gun and shoot the snot out of it and break nothing. Your experience is so far out if norm that the fact that you refuse to step back and do a reassessment of what you do is what makes you laughable. Call up CGW and ask them if 15 broken springs is even close to normal. I’ll save you the call, it isn’t. The guys at CGW will say that something is off. They will say it nicer than me but they will say it.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2020, 09:19:11 AM by pedropcola »

Offline Psyop96

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Another CZ bites the dust...
« Reply #95 on: December 03, 2020, 09:49:38 AM »
I think we should all chill out a bit on this post and enjoy some svarák (Czech hot wine) [emoji41]

Offline Hammer Time

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Re: Another CZ bites the dust...
« Reply #96 on: December 03, 2020, 10:16:41 AM »
I think we should all chill out a bit on this post and enjoy some svarák (Czech hot wine) [emoji41]

Na zdraví!

And I'm not interested in debating this dead horse, but add me to the list of people who own multiple CZs with thousands of rounds through them, and I've never broken a TRS.  ;)