I always pick the brass up and shake it (case mouth down so the pins if any, fall into the pin jug) to see if it has pins left in it.
Awhile back, I got a magnet from Amazon to pick up the small pins that always end up somewhere besides the pin jug. Found out awhile back, if there are pins stuck/jammed in the .223 case the magnet will pick them up, case and all, when you wave the magnet over a pile of freshly cleaned brass.
Seems lately that the pins are getting harder to get out of the cases if a bunch of them work their way inside. I don't remember having so much trouble getting them out a year or two back. Now I'm shaking the cases, then tapping them against the bucket, and sometimes using that magnet to "suck" them out of the case mouth.
Pins in the flash hole? Yeah, always two of them if they are stuck. Part of my inspection process when getting the pins separated from the brass. I use a small pair of "hobby" needle nosed pliers to pull the pins out.
I don't do a lot of water/pin/soap/wax cleaning but sometimes I run across some brass that won't clean up even after 8 or 10 hours of walnut shell/vibrating cleaners. I don't even try that anymore. I recognize what brass is/is not likelly to clean up in the vibratory cleaners and just segregate it till I get enough to warrant running the water/pin/lemishine/wash/wax cleaning process.
Yes, that wet cleaning with the pins and other stuff gets the .223 case insides and primer pockets nice and clean/shiny. Got some brass ready to do today. Mix of .223, .380 and 9MM brass. Got some .40, too, but it won't get cleaned with the smaller cases.