Author Topic: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days  (Read 4078 times)

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Offline larryflew

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Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« on: November 28, 2020, 04:06:13 PM »
Thinking of things done years ago that i no longer do.

Gopher hunting. Driving country roads and once seen the wait for them to come back out. Did both shooting and live trapping. Had a great horned owl mending a bad wing and he wouldn't eat dead ones.

Rat hunting at city dump. Dump was out in the country. Pre drivers license was a 2 mile bike ride. We would take a lunch and sit all day for 10 rats. Plenty tin cans died on those same days.

Trapping muskrats. Ran 20 trap line b4 and after school every day. Early 60's could get a buck each or work for 30 cents an hour as a 14 year old. Setting pins on league nights was 10 cents a line or $3 for all night early and late league. Lift 20 balls and over 100 pins for 10 cents. Put some into pinball machine and when closing owner paid us for replays on the machine. Usually boosted nights pay to $4.

Pheasant hunting was flocks rather than individuals. Typically 8 or more in a flock and several flocks in an area. 3 roosters and 1 hen limit. Typical group of 4 or 5 with 4 walking a field and one at the end watching for the runners. If lucky one would have a dog.

Only gonna mention squirrel because of op ed in magazine this month. Lots and usually one rifle guy and one shotgun guy. Mentioned because op ed thinks no one should rifle hunt because the missed bullets come down some where and could hurt someone. NEVER heard of anyone shot that way.

Rabbit was a lone hunt for me because none of my buddies ate rabbit. Learned from uncle to hunt for rabbit eyes not rabbit bodies. Amazing how many more there where after that.

Last story. Deer hunting. I didn't care for venison so I would carry a shotgun and hunt pheasant with the gang. One trip in southern MN older buddy had a brand new Ford pick up. We parked on back side of a ridge we where going to hunt. Truck owner took a shot at a deer running the top of the ridge. LOUD clunk and all of us quickly looked over at the truck owner. Through driver side fender and cracked the block. Not a word was said for years and when finally brought up we laughed so hard we almost cried. Of course years later alcohol was involved by the time it was brought up.

What are your stories?
When did it change from "We the people" to "screw the people"?

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Offline david s

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2020, 05:47:21 PM »
Dumps before they were Land Fills were great. You could shoot cans and glass bottles with out worry. Then at night line up cars with the head lamps on and shoot rats. You get a whole new appreciation for a 10/22 or M1 Carbine dump shooting rats. Still chase gophers around but miss bow fishing carp here in Montana. Had a friend shoot his 300 Winchester equipped with a BOSS muzzle break across his truck hood at a cross canyon rock and end up with a cracked wind screen. Mostly I miss perfect eye sight and good knees.

Offline double-d

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2020, 07:29:22 PM »
Hunting without a license/tag.

Offline viking499

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2020, 07:52:31 PM »
The availability of ammo.......and the price back then......

Offline Claymore504

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2020, 07:58:30 PM »
I really did not get into shooting until I wient in the Army at 18. Went airborne infantry and got to shoot a lot of weapons. I wish I would have taken it in more. Got to shoot the M60 right before we turned them in for brand new M240B machine guns at my unit in Korea. I am still in the military now, but do not get to fire many weapons these days.

Offline Lock-n-load

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2020, 08:51:27 PM »
Cheap available ammo!😆😆

Offline Hammer Time

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2020, 09:41:17 PM »
The abundance of public land, along with a lot of private CRP land that no farmer seemed to care if I walked it all day long with a pointer and a shotgun.

Nowadays, it seems like a lot of it is getting 'locked up' by urbanites who don't even live here, but seem to have a great fondness for "No Tresspassing" signs.

Offline JBruns

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2020, 06:13:41 AM »
I was a big time pheasant hunter for a lot of years when I lived in Southern MN. We'd hunt a minimum 3 days a week, both Iowa and MN most days. Ran 3 well trained Springer Spaniels. We were pretty serious about it and did well. Missed that tremendously after moving out of ring neck country. I did most of the other normal kinds of hunting earlier in my life, but gave them all up once I became an avid upland bird hunter.

I always say deer hunting is a lot of fun, until you shoot one.  ;)

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2020, 06:57:29 AM »
I was a big time pheasant hunter for a lot of years when I lived in Southern MN. We'd hunt a minimum 3 days a week, both Iowa and MN most days. Ran 3 well trained Springer Spaniels. We were pretty serious about it and did well. Missed that tremendously after moving out of ring neck country. I did most of the other normal kinds of hunting earlier in my life, but gave them all up once I became an avid upland bird hunter.

I always say deer hunting is a lot of fun, until you shoot one.  ;)

I remember ringneck hunting in IL.  Our springer would jump some up, someone would holler "hen, hen, hen!!" and darned if one of those guys wouldn't shoot at it anyway.  I guess we were lucky they were no better shots than they were at hearing/knowing what "hen!" meant.

Ringnecks.  I enjoyed hunting/shooting birds that flew in a straight line.  Not like those pesky ruffed grouse in WV that were always dodging trees, banks, highwalls, etc.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline lewmed

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2020, 02:00:07 PM »
 Saturday mornings my best friend and I would ride our bikes out past the city limits in to the country with his over under 22lr .410 and my Marlin golden 39 M to hunt rabbits and don't forget that 50 cent box of 22lr ammo from the local hardware store. If a 12 year old were to do that today we would see him on the 10:00 news and he and his parents would be on some watch list. I can also remember being in the rifle club in high school and keeping my rifle in the trunk of my car in the school parking lot if we had a match that day.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2020, 05:04:38 PM by lewmed »

Offline Trky_Hunter

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2020, 01:47:56 PM »
Spending all night hunting raccoons with my great uncle and then being getting to stay home from school the next day to sleep. My folks understood that some lessons just couldn't be taught in a classroom.

Offline Joe L

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2020, 02:06:48 PM »
I got to go with my mother when she went arrowhead hunting in the sand dunes in West Texas.  I got to take a single shot .22 rifle and hunt rabbits and rattle snakes by myself when I was maybe 10 or 11 years old.  Also got to go dove and quail hunting with my Dad on the weekends on some oil leases.  Cleaning quail was labor intensive.  All of those trips stopped when I finished high school, 1966.  Didn't pick up a fire arm for nearly 50 years after that, then the SIG and CZ pistols...when I was 60 or so.  I've made up for 50 years of not shooting since then.

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline recoilguy

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2020, 03:30:31 PM »
Saturday mornings my best friend and I would ride our bikes out past the city limits in to the country with his over under 22lr .410 and my Marlin golden 39 M and don't forget that 50 cent box of 22lr ammo from the local hardware store. If a 12 year old were to do that today we would see him on the 10:00 news and he and his parents would be on some watch list.

Unfortunately, you are correct.

We (either alone or with a group) would often take our shotguns to school and let them keep them in the office until the end of the day so we could ride the bus to our friends house so we could hunt rabbits and squirrels when school was dismissed.  After getting off the bus, we'd walk right down the street and railroad tracks.  Sometimes 4 or 5 of us side by side, all with rifles and shotguns thrown over our shoulder.

No one even batted an eye, because, well, it was America and not Russia.

Further, I can remember in 4th grade, we didn't even have a pencil sharpener in class so Mr. Smith would allow us to get our cub scout knives out and sharpen our pencils in the garbage can that sat next to the door up in front of the room. 

I grew up in a time when it was great to be an American.

Very nicely put.
Great thread Larry.......
I had similar experience to many listed.
Pheasant hunting all week end with my double barreled 12ga.
squirrels when I would skid 7th hour to get to the woods first.
biking to the egde of town with my gun on my handle bars or hitch hiking to the river bottoms to shoot Mallards and then back home. In my wadders with a shotgun.
Imagine seeing that today. there would be helicopters and swat teams.
I still hunt many hours, many days but mostly in a tree with my bow waiting for the big one to walk by. In the stand with Joe......waiting for a buck, maybe tomorrow, a doe
Great thread. best line ever.......No one even batted an eye, because, well, it was America and not Russia.
Its easy being a communist in a free country
What's hard is to be free in a communist country

Offline oldsarge

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2020, 04:27:47 PM »
Mostly I miss my dad; he died 60 years ago. All we had back then was a simple single shot .22, mom got us with Top Value trading stamps.  Life was a lot less complicated in those days, or so it seemed to a child.
David B.
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Offline lewmed

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Re: Things you miss hunting/shooting from your younger days
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2020, 10:56:18 PM »
 I know what you mean I lost my hunting buddy a few years ago it's just not the same with out him.  He was a great friend a good hunter and the best story teller ever.