Is it harder to shoot well because it's different? Or because most striker fired guns just don't shoot the groups the P07 seems to and you're spoiled by it?
My P07/P09 guns have sure spoiled me.
I have Glock, M&P, FNS, xD/XDM striker fired pistols and they just won't shoot with the P07/P09 or a couple of my metal framed CZ pistols.
I have a couple M&Ps with Apex trigger kits in them. Both 2.0 models. Those triggers rival my good CZ hammer fired pistols for crispness and reset is head and shoulders above the CZ pistols (just a design thing but many people find that very important.
On the other hand, one of those M&Ps with the Apex trigger also has an Apex barrel in it and still won't shoot groups like the P07 and P09. I have an M&P 2.0 .45 that has shown promise though, in a limited amount of shooting.
Practice helps, but some guns are just not designed or built to shoot well. Different people, different standards. Different makers, different standards.
If I'm having a bad day at the range shooting test loads for a non-CZ pistol I will sometimes pull the P07 out of the holster, shoot 5 shots, put the smile back on my face and then pack up and go home with that warm fuzzy feeling that even if I can't do it with the FNS or M&P I can do it with the P07.