I think this has been covered a few times but I'm still a little fuzzy on what is going on with these mags.
I have a P07 and P09. These are a few years old.
I also have a P10C which is pretty new.
Here are the mags.
I noticed that the P07 and P09 don't have the double cutouts on the sides...It appears to me that the upper cutout is what the P10C uses to hold the mag in the gun.
So the P07 and P09 magazines do NOT fit in the P10C because there is no cutout to retain them.
I see that the P09 has no rectangular cutout at the top of the magazine. But I do NOT see anywhere on any of these 3 guns that actually uses that space for anything...though I do recall seeing some videos showing that you can take a P07 magazine and make it work in a P10C by cutting that rectangle out.
So does anyone know what's going on here? Was the P10C mag catch redesigned and used to require that rectangular cutout?
I'd like to modify mags so each mag will fit in every gun (except the P09 of course)
I'm thinking I need to cut the double mag catches on the P07 and P09 mags...but I don't think I have any reason to cut the rectangular piece out of the P09 mag.