Author Topic: Storing your guns?  (Read 8027 times)

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Offline DW06

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Re: Storing your guns?
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2021, 01:41:39 PM »
I inherited a bunch of guns at a time when I had no money for a huge safe to store them in and no time to keep up with them all.  I had rust issues; it wasn't a super big deal since being with me was still luxury compared to their previous living conditions, but still you hate to see your guns get even any small rust under your care.  I think being able to keep up with your collection is something people don't talk about. 

Between me and dad we kept what was sentimental (aka just a couple) and sold the rest (the vast majority).  I now have only a few guns, proper storage (used the funds from selling), and I am able to routinely check on their status and easily refresh oil as often as I want.  I'm also actually shooting the guns I have remaining, so I'd quickly notice if there was issues.  I really like this better than having dozens of dust collectors that I forget about for a year or more at a time.  I always thought I'd slowly grow a big collection, but now I realize I'll probably always have a small pool of guns that I just shoot regularly and be much happier.

Offline Gunnerdad80

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Re: Storing your guns?
« Reply #31 on: May 30, 2021, 09:09:21 PM »
I completely agree. My interests have shifted toward a smaller collection that I won’t feel bad about shooting when I want. Between family and work I just don’t have the time to dedicate to maintaining a large collection.

Offline DW06

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Re: Storing your guns?
« Reply #32 on: May 30, 2021, 11:39:14 PM »
Yeah I figure I can always buy an interesting gun I find cheap used, play with it for awhile, then pass along at cost as well.  1 to 3 of those that I rotate through should be enough to supplement my small collection, if I ever even tire of what I have.  My interest is defensively focused and I enjoy shooting more than collecting, so we'll see...