I'm new here and new to CZ pistols. I have bunch of other handguns but no CZ's and I want to change that.
I'm looking for a nice range/target gun. I was originally looking for something SAO and love flat blade triggers so I was focusing on one of the Tactical Sport models but I kind of ruled them out because I don't like that they require different magazines then other 75 based CZs and that those mags are pretty pricey. I also like that the Shadow 2's are production class legal where as the TS's are more of a limited gun option. I've also learned its fairly easy to convert a Shadow 2 to SAO if that's something I want to do later.
So in the Shadow 2 line, I've been looking at the Standard model as well as the Shadow 2 Orange (S2O) and the CZC AccuShadow2 (AS2).
I like the idea of a factory tuned pistol with fitted slide, upgraded trigger and 1911 style barrel bushing so I'll probably go with the AS2 or S2O unless my LGS only has the standard model and that example already has a great trigger and slide fit (and knowing I can always have it tuned more later).
Between the AS2 and the S2O, they seem to be pretty close? Seems to me like the AS2's barrel bushing design might be slightly better then the S2O's but that's probably splitting hairs? There are some other trivial things I prefer about one over the other but in the end, I'm leaning towards the S2O, if for no other reason then I can probably find one locally. My only concern with the S2O is I understand it requires a different front site then all other S2's because of the CZ barrel bushing used on the model?
Can any of you offer any more detail about that?
This kind of concerns me because I'd hate to spend that kind of money only to find I don't like the factory front sight (for whatever reason) but be stuck with it because there are no other options?