I'm looking for info, and actual experiences with, what CGW spring combination will help my new P-07 trigger pull weights. Yes, I know I could go either the CGW standard or pro package, but want to explore simpler options first. So, I thought I'd might start with an extended firing pin, with the reduced FP spring, and a different hammer spring. MY questions on this approach are below. Note that I am not trying to create a competition gun, but one that is reliable and for possible personal protection use (target being 8# DA, and 4.5# SA pulls - or so).
- which of the CGW hammer springs works best and reliably: 1.5#, 13#, 15#, 18#?
- note that I will use a reduced power plunger spring (and plunger will have surface polished smooth too)
And with each / any of the hammer springs, how will they affect (improve / reduce) trigger pull?