We carried one of my P-07's to the range last week, and ran 300 rounds of Federal Syntech through it in around one hour. It was 250 rounds of 150 gr Action Pistol and 50 rounds of 147 gr training. My son and I were passing the pistol back and forth, shooting steel plates.
So this ammo has leed-free primers and is jacketed with polymer so should leave little to no lead or copper fouling. Normally if I run 300 rounds of FMJ through my gun then the barrel is going to take a bath in Hoppes #9 bore cleaner overnight. This time, starting with a clean barrel that had previously been treated with Eezox, I decided to just try to clean it up with Eezox at first. I also didn't scrub it with a bronze brush, but I did use some brass-reinforced VFG pellets.
Well after doing that, I checked it with a bore scope and saw there were still streaks of carbon in there, so I went ahead and degreased it with brake cleaner to remove the Eezox and then dunked it in a jar of Hoppes #9 for around 12 hours, overnight. The next day I wiped a fair amount of additional carbon out with patch cloths, put some Ballistol in it and scrubbed it with a bronze brush, patched it out more, degreased it again, and then re-applied Eezox.
Now it looks pretty clean but there's a weird spot in there near the crown that I can't seem to remove with any type of scrubbing. It isn't visible to the naked eye but here you can see it in these bore scope photos:

Any ideas on what that might be? I can't say for sure this wasn't there previously, but I have never seen it, and I have an entire collection of bore scope images I've taken of this barrel over the past year.