A friend and I met earlier today to shoot, we are attending a class next weekend and we wanted to confirm zeroes on our guns at 25 yards.
The plan is to shoot the P-10F which has a wonderful trigger:
The aftermarket parts are the HBI trigger shoe, 4lb striker spring and a Suarez striker. I shot 150 rounds today and had a great range session. The P-10F shot well and once I got home, I tore it down and cleaned it. Full disclosure, I don't clean the interiors of my pistol that often but thought I better clean it and take a look at things before the class. I have the same combination of trigger, spring and striker in other pistols and it's a super combination that leads to a pronounced wall, 4lb break that is very crisp.
Striker came out and there was a good amount of crud in the striker channel. I tidied the striker channel up spotless, cleaned the striker and lubricated the rest of the pistol.
Once re-assembled, I dropped a snap cap in, dry fired and the trigger was terrible, it went from a nice crisp 4lbs to a gritty 6lb trigger. My first carry pistol was 2pin G19 and the striker channel was recommended to be kept dry.
I had some spare springs and strikers to swap around and nothing helped, it was still gritty and just terrible no matter what combination of parts were used. At this point in time after taking a break to have dinner, it dawned on me that some lubrication may be in order.
Some SLIP2000 EWL was added to the striker, the channel and the pistol was re-assembled and test fired. The different was noticeable immediately, much smoother, the wall was back and the break was better but not the same. I changed out the spring cups to Glock cups and it seemed smoother again (I could be imagining that) but no real change in the pull weight.
It's a consistent 5lbs now, crisp and predictable but I've still added 1lb to the pull somewhere and now, striker spring changes seem to have no effect, I can change between the HBI blue and red springs with no change, which means the issue is somewhere in the striker channel possibly.
I believe I learned that the P-10 needs lubrication on the striker, It seemed to have a profound effect but I still have something else going on with the P-10Fs trigger.
I'll grab some larger swabs tomorrow and reclean the channel. If the springs aren't having an effect, something else is impeding the striker travel.