I have to throw a vote in here for the Springfield XD-E. For someone who prefers a DA/SA pistol (with the option of a 1911-like safety), the XD-E is a good choice. They are not pretty, but they are thin, hold 10 rounds, and are super reliable. And the trigger is long and deliberate in DA mode (revolver-like) and precise and light in the SA mode. And they are not expensive, relatively speaking.
I wish CZ would out with a single-stack, 10 round, relatively small (but not so small it lacks reliability) pistol -- call it a RAMI 2.0 if you want -- that would fill this niche. It would work for a lot of people who prefer DA/SA pistols (including 1911's) for their triggers and inherent safety. And 10 round magazines may become the limit if gun controllers get their way, making this size pistol a good option.