I researched P series (P07/P09/P10)mag extensions and decided to order some from a few different companies - some added rounds, some were just a pinky extension
- galloway
- Hyve (+3 for P10S)
- CZ factory (the + 2 extension that comes with 17 rd P10C mags - makes a 15 into a 17; a 19 into a 21))
- CZ parts (from CZ in Czech republic)
My question is how reliable are the + round extensions? The + 2 offered by CZ I expect to have been tested and are good to go. Mine just arrived and I will test them. But what about the other aftermarket ones: HBI, Hyve, Leapers/UTG (and any others you may have tried). My only experience with mag extensions was spotty at best with my G43 (Pearce, magguts, and vickers) - so spotty I would not use them for carry. So, before I shoot some (now) expensive ammo confirming their reliability, what has been the communities experience with them?