I took my used p10c to the range this Sunday for the first time. According to previous owner it had less then 200 rounds put through it.
I load both magazines. Take one put it in and it did really well. Grab the second one and the slide won't release. The round is hitting the feed ramp. I play around with it and I could only get it to work if I slowly released the slide. That magazine felt more loose then the first one. It felt like it wasn't fully clicking in. I unloaded it and decided to ask a range employee for help. He reloaded it with 3 rounds released the slide and it worked fine. Lol... He looks at me, smiles and says "it works" and we both start laughing. I grab that mag, fully load it and it fits the magwell as it's supposed to. Slide releases and no jam. It shoots fine. I can only think that this mag was newer. The previous owner had four p10c's... So who knows if he just grabbed whatever mag he first seen.
I had the same issue with my 43x using sheild arms s15 mags. They were initially really loose and wouldn't release as it should. Putting them in and releasing them a few times fixed it .