Ok, so I shot a FN509 with can and holosun 507 and it was quite fun. So much so I was literally giggling after 1 mag. I don't like poly guns and glocks due to the 2x4 shape, but the optic, or something like it is definitely on my list now. I was shooting it with just the circle, no dot, and it felt like a video game as far as the aiming went. Very fast acquisition, but still clearly able to distinguish targets and still "assume" where the dot would be for accuracy.
So before I put the holosun on short list, what are the competitors? I'm looking for a Red dot that has options for the ring only specifically.
I have a CMORE railway Dot currently , but its only 2 MOA, I'm leaning to the 6 or 8MOA diode, but the rings still just seems better all around.
Edit--just looked and they have an even bigger 508 -