Author Topic: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?  (Read 6201 times)

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Offline Das Hugh!

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2021, 09:38:51 PM »
I see what you're saying. But to best of my knowledge it would then collide with the firing pin safety block. Then that will only lift out of the way with a trigger pull.  And if it's broke will have already expended its energy against the block device. And just basically do nuttin once trigger is pulled. Only way I see that scenario firing is if it broke literally while u had the trigger pulled. I'm no gun expert. But that's why they have firing pin block safeties is how i understand it

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Offline lewmed

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2021, 12:40:44 AM »
 Please tell me MeatAx where and how do you plan to CC your Rami with a rds and a rail ?  I'm a small guy and can't hide my Rami very well. I love my Rami BD and it's decocker makes it a much safer gun to carry but it's a chunk. When I carry mine it's at about 4:30 ITWB but I always bang on things like door frames and getting in and out of my car. When I carry my P938 or P365 at 4:30 ITWB in my custom made holster they disappear.

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2021, 10:23:33 PM »
Please tell me MeatAx where and how do you plan to CC your Rami with a rds and a rail ?  I'm a small guy and can't hide my Rami very well. I love my Rami BD and it's decocker makes it a much safer gun to carry but it's a chunk. When I carry mine it's at about 4:30 ITWB but I always bang on things like door frames and getting in and out of my car. When I carry my P938 or P365 at 4:30 ITWB in my custom made holster they disappear.

(Smaller) size isn’t everything in a concealed carry gun. It’s also how it shoots and how efficiently you hit and neutralize threats. Red dot sights on a pistol are a quantum leap forward, along with a compact light / laser. How to conceal a slightly larger compact pistol with those features? I always wear Large untucked loose fitting shirts or pullovers, that both conceal and provide easy access to my weapon.

My main problem with Ron Cohen’s SIG is that they release their weapons prematurely and use their customers as beta testers - and then abandon their customers for replacement parts when they drop a model or variant. Plus, they use a lot of cheap plastic and Indian MIM internal parts. That makes their guns more profitable for Sig, but doesn’t help their customers at all. Lots of quality control and design problems eventually sorted out at customer expense. The thing is they may have finally fixed some of their issues, but who knows what other issues are going to come up as the rounds increase, especially with cheap but critical plastic and MIM parts.


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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2021, 05:17:11 AM »
My main problem with Ron Cohen’s SIG is that they release their weapons prematurely and use their customers as beta testers - and then abandon their customers for replacement parts when they drop a model or variant. Plus, they use a lot of cheap plastic and Indian MIM internal parts. That makes their guns more profitable for Sig, but doesn’t help their customers at all. Lots of quality control and design problems eventually sorted out at customer expense. The thing is they may have finally fixed some of their issues, but who knows what other issues are going to come up as the rounds increase, especially with cheap but critical plastic and MIM parts.
Yes Cohen created issues at Sig just like he created issues at Kimber. QC was the problem not the MIM parts. You can't hammer Sig without piling on S&W's poor roll out of the M&P line over 20 years ago, Springfield has had their share of issues and recalls, Walther, and lets not forget the very poor roll out of the CZ P10 series which was a direct shot across glocks bow but fell short early on. Glock has been less than stellar in some of their recent generations too.
That Indian facility where Sig gets their MIM parts is also making parts for many other gun companies so do a bit of research on who they produce for and you might be surprised. I don't know yet who CZ is sourcing from or if they do it in house but I know the sear cage and trigger bar in my most recent CZ's are MIM although the quality looks good so they function as well as my older models.

Offline YRlord56

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2021, 11:53:04 AM »
I was at a local gun shop yesterday and saw they had a used P365 for sale so I gave it a fast look over and found it to be a new pistol that a customer had just traded in. The shop being honest couldn't sell as a new pistol so it was listed as used for $370. Well to make a long story short I now own 2 Sig P-365's and the new one has all the upgrades. My plan for 2021 was to start selling off a few guns and I did sell 2 but I've replaced them with 6 more do you think I need a keeper ?
Congratulations, buddy. Hope you put many rounds through it at the range.
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Offline lewmed

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2021, 12:13:50 PM »
 The current production P365's don't worry me at all what bothers me is how many early production pistols are sitting in peoples underwear drawer or the top of there closet unfired that are just waiting to fail. Sig did indeed do us all a disservice not just on the P365 but several of there recent pistols !

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2021, 10:56:33 PM »
Hopefully this aftermarket heat-treated stainless steel striker will remedy the major potential problems and concerns with the P365:
« Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 11:03:42 PM by MeatAxe »

Offline timetofly

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2021, 12:38:57 PM »
I would have snagged it in a skinny heartbeat. Great acquisition in my opinion
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Offline lewmed

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2021, 01:22:54 AM »
 I'm back  form vacation in Colorado and I had a chance to shoot some 8" steel targets at 20 and 25 yards with my new Sig P365.  I put about 1000 rounds through it with only one stoppage and it was my fault a high primer. After adjusting my point of aim a bit for having to shoot at a slight down hill angle on our makeshift range I found it easy to hit the 8" plates. My old P365 has a much better trigger so the new 365 won't be be my new EDCC but it is a keeper. And no other small pistol can ever feel as good in my hand or shoot as well as my Rami BD. 

Offline Chuck James

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2021, 10:29:53 PM »
10 shots....23yds.......I have no complaints with my 365XL.

Offline JamesCC

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2021, 12:46:22 PM »
I always try to find these deals but strike out. Nice work

Offline piffd

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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2021, 08:43:16 AM »
nice find!


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Re: Who could pass on a new in the box p365 for $370 ?
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2021, 01:02:56 PM »
Right on! good deal