With my new Primary Machine P-10F Match Barrel, which now has about 270 rounds through it...
On Thursday, I anticipated that the first round of each magazine reload would hit high left, just like it did on Tuesday, so I loaded 6 rounds instead of 5 so that I could ignore the first shot and "score" the next 5 as a 5 shot group. Sure enough, with 4 groups per target, and 3 targets, of 12 first rounds hits, 10 were high or high left, with 7 of the 12 forming a 3-1/2" group!! Here is a one minute video showing what I found when I got to study the video in detail.
https://youtu.be/NFxonMT7s2sI am going to try a stronger recoil spring before touching the barrel, as it is absolutely perfect after the first shot of each reloaded magazine. Keep in mind that this shows clearly at 100 yards, but is less distinct at 25 yards. I just think the barrel is still a little tight from being new. The barrel actually got pretty warm last week during the first few rounds, and it seems to stay cool now, indicating a little less friction after a few boxes of ammo.
This is becoming quite a project, but a good one, in my opinion. I'm just glad I had some ammo, good weather, and wanted the trigger time.