A few months back, on a whim, I picked up a Canik TP9SFx, thinking that I'd set it up as a replacement for the officer 1911 I've kept in my nightstand for years. After a couple of range trips I realized that the Canik was just too nice of a shooter to be relegated to the nightstand drawer, so I set out to find its replacement - this time with some set criteria. It had to be 9mm, able to mount a light on it, something I wouldn't be too upset about if it got lost/stolen/confiscated, and less than $400. I went to a few shops and a couple gun shows and must have fondled 30 different handguns from both domestic and import suppliers. Surprisingly, the Ruger Security 9 came out on top. Easy to pick up and aim quickly, good weight/balance, appeared to be well made with quality materials and the firing mechanism, which is the same as the LCPII, is surprisingly crisp. It also doesn't have the annoying "sproing" sound of the less expensive striker fired pistols.
I normally try to support my local LGS, but I found a much better deal online and managed to get one for $301.00 shipped. Add $20 for transfer and I was all in at $321.00. Since I was well below my budget, I added the Hiviz night sights and Galloway trigger (I don't like plastic triggers, lol). The one downside to the pistol is that only half of my pinky finger fit on the grip. I searched for extended base pads but the only ones available are the "plus 2" type, which I didn't want. So I fired up the 3D printer and made a couple that are just a pinky extension. They're a little crude, but they work.
I know a post is worthless without pictures, so here it is, outfitted with the Olight Baldr S.