There is a long list of things that you can work on including being able to efficiently engage 35 + yard shots, strong hand and weak hand shooting, shooting on the move and shooting moving targets.
Most importantly, need to be safe with your firearm, as you will be moving and engaging targets under time pressure.
This includes, keeping your trigger finger outside the trigger guard when ever you are moving or reloading, maintaining awareness of the 180 line and making sure that your muzzle does not break it. These skills can be practiced at home along with your draw and presentation as a series of dry Fire drills.
As to live fire practice, figure out the sight picture you need to get Alphas at 5, 10, 15, 25 yards and greater distances. If you have a range where you can draw from a holster, work on the skills you practiced in dryfire.
When you get to your first match, you may have some fast shooters on your squad. Don't let their speed get in your head. Shoot as fast as you can see an acceptable sight picture.