I run a shadow 2 in IPSC production , I have added M-Arms Monarch1 thick brass grips adding 250g/8.8Oz to the pistol.
the pistol is new with ~1500rd through it.
once I tried lighter recoil springs I got failure to eject or feed (mostly FTE's), seems like the slide is not doing a full cycle.
removed the buffer and it improved things a bit but did not eliminate it.
tried 11,12,13,14 lb springs, while tuning the pistol according to CGW the recommended spring is 14lb.
The issue is around 1/100 if I use the brass grips and 14lb spring
To have constant results I am shooting the same ammo , Factory made Magtech 115gr FMJ.
Where I live we only have factory made ammo and 124gr is harder to get by. but when I used 124gr S&B Nato it was worse much worse.
Currently using it with the original recoil spring and stock grips as malfunctions are valuable time.
any recommendations?
should I drop the heavy grips? , I do liked the added weight
could it be me getting tired in log sessions and the issue is due to grip?
any comments are welcome