……..I've recently started shopping/research for a 9mm PCC. …..
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I recently went thru the same and ended up with a Fox Trot Mike PCC. While I’m not a Glock guy, I recognize the mags do work and are readily available in high capacity. My research and experience with the M4 (retired soldier) led me to FM. For the price, it seems to have a great reputation & lifetime warranty.
Agree - would have liked a CZ or Sig 320 mag based variant, but didn’t find any at the price point nor reputation I sought. Additionally to be competitive in the shooting games I participate in, need to have high cap, 25 rd +. The Glock mags fit that requirement.
Reportedly it’s delivered to my FFL tonight. I’ll go there on Sat and do the paper work. Will report on it in my thread below
https://czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=117981.0Good luck and let us know your decision