A few days ago I purchased something COMPLETLY different, a rebuilt Thompson/Center Renegade 54 caliber muzzle loader. It came with a lot of accessories, including some lubed balls and some powder coated balls, but...I can't NOT cast for something...
So, according to theory sometime next week I will be receiving a new Lee Minie ball mold, the .533 410 grain one. I STILL haven't set up the new casting bench, but on payday I will certainly have the incentive to go get some pure lead from the local supplier, (Seafab Metals Company in Casa Grande, BEST place for certified bullet metal EVER, great people!), and seeing just HOW do you use a three piece mold? Slower rate of fire means longer on the range with less ammo spent.
Anyone used this mold? And wouldn't it be fun if CZ ever made a front stuffer?