It's definitely better than trying to defeat an attacker, who is armed with a knife or guns, with just your bare hands and whatever fighting skills you have
We've done that, with an inmate armed with a shank, "prison made knife", and we have gas, radios and guts. Nowadays we have even more options, thank fully, but I'll never foget standing next to Tower 13 watching 7 of my staff go out in ambulances.
Crosstimbers, 6 of one, half dozen of the other - inside the wire, the teams are usually pretty easy to identify. Some of them, like level 3 SOs, are easy to manage. Level 5 criminally insane...not so much.
BUT...we are digressing WAY past the original post and I am to blame as well - ay this time I do not use pepper spray fr personal self defense off duty, nor do anyone I know on or off The Job. The space I might use for a can of gas I have occupied with a CAT TQ.