Author Topic: Anyone interested in some hot pink fiber optic rod for your sights?  (Read 22960 times)

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Offline Cali Crash

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I was trying to think of ways of setting up the wife's gun to have a few personal touches. Well one thought was swapping out the fiber optic rod on her sights to a hot pink. I figured the color would still be highly visible, easy to focus on and sure as hell help it stand out as a lady's firearm. Well I found a manufacturer willing to make fiber optic rod but will only do it in bulk. Figured ask if anyone else would be interested. If I could find enough other buyers I might order it depending on cost. I'd be ordering 1mm hot pink fiber optic rod. I don't know the quantity that would be required yet or the cost, so just curious if anyone else would want some.
22LR Kadet kit
9mm CZ75bd (CGW DCP, RRK and E/Z-D sight set)
9mm CZ75b high polish stainless
9mm SP-01 Tactical (CGW DCP, RRK and E/Z-D sight set)
9mm SP-01
9mm P09 (at CGW for PRO-Series "P" package and sights)
9mm P09
45acp 97b