Author Topic: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading  (Read 3049 times)

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Offline jressel

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CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« on: May 02, 2022, 04:24:05 PM »
So, I'm pretty new to reloading, and I am looking to start reloading for my CZ 527 in 7.62x39. I haven't reloaded any x39 yet, but given how difficult it's getting to find hunting loads, I figure now's the time to start. I mainly have two questions:

1) Any recommendations on dies/die sets?
2) Any suggestions on bullets? I know I need something in .311, and I've read in several places that something in the 123-125 grain range is best for deer hunting with 7.62x39. Sierra's ProHunters look great, but they're apparently unobtanium right now...any leads or other suggestions?

And if you've gotten this far and have any pet loads that you'd like to throw out there, too, I surely wouldn't say no...  ;D


Offline armoredman

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2022, 06:44:12 AM »
Gee, would I know something about it...I reloaded 7.62x39m for years, and for the CZ 527. Unfortunately I am not at home where my data is, but I can tell you the Lee dies worked just fine for me. Favorite powder was Accurate Arms #1680, and I used Hornaday bullets, specifically the 123 grain FMJ and spire points. I also cast for it, the Lee 160 and 155 slugs and the excellent NOE 129 grain .314 sized down to .311 and powder coated. The Hornaday bullets are out of stock at MidwayUSA right now. I still have one of the molds, but after I lost my 527M I gave away all the brass as such.
IIRC, the best load was 21 grains of AA#1680 under the spire point bullet. I will have to get home and dig out my data for ya.

Offline jressel

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2022, 10:52:35 AM »
Gee, would I know something about it...I reloaded 7.62x39m for years, and for the CZ 527. Unfortunately I am not at home where my data is, but I can tell you the Lee dies worked just fine for me. Favorite powder was Accurate Arms #1680, and I used Hornaday bullets, specifically the 123 grain FMJ and spire points. I also cast for it, the Lee 160 and 155 slugs and the excellent NOE 129 grain .314 sized down to .311 and powder coated. The Hornaday bullets are out of stock at MidwayUSA right now. I still have one of the molds, but after I lost my 527M I gave away all the brass as such.
IIRC, the best load was 21 grains of AA#1680 under the spire point bullet. I will have to get home and dig out my data for ya.

Excellent, thanks! As it happens, I have some AA 1680 on the way, so I'll definitely try that out. How was your luck with .310 vs .311? Since I can't find any of the .311 bullets currently, I'm tempted to just grab a box of this Hornady .310 123 gr SST ( and see what happens.

Offline david s

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2022, 08:22:01 PM »
 I've loaded .308, .310 and .311 diameter bullets in my CZ 527 Carbine. The .310 and .311 are better choices over the .308. I keep the .308 125 grain Nosler's on hand for my 30-30 Contender pistol and couldn't keep myself from flying a few to see how it went. I haven't done it yet but I've also about half a dozen 32 caliber pistol moulds in the 118-125 grain weights if I want to shoot lead. Reloading wise stay with the major manufacturers or the ones your familiar with, this keeps the surprises down. I absolutely hate posting reloading data as I'm a terrible typist but can send photocopies from various manuals with some suggestions. Always when it comes to reloading data stay with known sources instead of random suggestions. You don't want the kind of surprises random data can generate by pulling a trigger.                                                                                                                                       

Offline Duke Nukem

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2022, 08:31:06 AM »
Always when it comes to reloading data stay with known sources instead of random suggestions. You don't want the kind of surprises random data can generate by pulling a trigger.                                                               

Right!  It's also possible that the ideal combination of powder, bullet and cartridge OAL for your gun is not the same as it is for your source of loading data, especially if your goal is best accuracy.  Use your chronograph to know when you're approaching maximum charge, of course.

Offline jressel

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2022, 12:14:06 PM »
Thanks, gentlemen! Obviously, I'm pretty new to reloading, so I really appreciate your advice. Makes complete sense that one would want to stick with trusted sources.

Offline jressel

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2022, 12:30:20 AM »
FYI to those who have sent me private messages - I'm unable to respond or to send new private messages. Not sure why...maybe I don't have enough posts. Sorry about that.

Offline armoredman

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2022, 05:27:19 AM »
I have to send myself a message to get you that data...


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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2022, 08:35:07 AM »
FYI to those who have sent me private messages - I'm unable to respond or to send new private messages. Not sure why...maybe I don't have enough posts. Sorry about that.

I sent another PM to you with contact info.

Offline armoredman

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2022, 08:26:29 PM »
FINALLY, I remembered! Sorry, the older I get, the more my mind goes from a steel trap to a steel sieve...

123gr Hornaday Soft Point, over 24gr of AA-1680, COAL of 2.17 listed as good in both vz-58 and CZ 527M.
Also, 123gr Hornaday SST, over 27gr AA-1680, COAL of 2.189 is listed as excellent.
123gr Speer Gold Dot, over 28gr CFE BLK, COAL of 2.15, shown as quite nice as well.
Cast boolits, 129gr cast, harder alloy, atop 21.5gr AA#1680, COAL 2.185, was a GREAT cast bullet load for the 527M.
Hope that helps!

Offline Bret

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2022, 09:42:08 AM »
1) Any recommendations on dies/die sets?
I'd recommend the Hornady dies for two reasons.  First, unless they've changed, the die set comes with both 0.308" and 0.310" expander balls.  Not that I'm recommending 0.308" bullets, but if you ever want to try them, you'll need the 0.308" expander.  Second, you can purchase Hornady's MicroJust seating stem.  This allows you to accurately adjust the bullet seating depth to the 0.001".  With regular seating stems, you'll just have to guess at how much to turn it to adjust to the depth you need.  Finally, I'll add another that a nicety but doesn't impact performance.  Hornady's die cases are larger than the competition, provide plenty of room and stack well.

Offline Wobbly

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2022, 10:35:12 AM »
When shopping for dies the first place to look is at your PRESS. Some dies are optimized for that brand of press. If you are loading in a "single-stage" press, then you'll have a wider selection of dies to choose from. If you are loading in a "progressive" press, then you'll need to fully understand the operation of your press.

Lee dies are good quality, basic dies. They will have the best value, but few features and frills. They'll build high quality ammo and work very well in Lee presses, but may show signs of rust if your reloading setup is in the garage or outdoor shed.
RCBS is the next step up. Basic, but with a few added features.
Hornady is a great die and they are fully loaded with features. These are the lowest cost dies with interchangeable bullet seating anvils. This can be a decided advantage in handgun reloading, but not such a big deal for rifle reloading.
Redding is considered the top of the food chain in dies. They are not only feature-rich, but they are works of art as far as metal crafting and precision goes. Redding sells their dies as sets, or individually. Sometimes I will buy their individual die to replace a lack luster die provided in a set from another brand.

Dillon also makes top of the line die sets, but because their presses incorporate a slightly different process, you may not get all the dies you need if you want to use them in another brand of press. Conversely, if you want to use a Lee, Hornady or Redding die set in a Dillon press, then you will typically not be using all the dies within that set.

Bottom line... to guide you to a good die set we'd first need to know the press you intend to use them in. For rifle I would guide you to a good quality single-stage, new or used. [See THIS article on why used might be the best solution.] Progressive presses only "shine" when you reload for handgun. If you intend to reload for both, then I suggest one of the half-way presses, like a Lee Cast Turret or a Dillon 550. These presses offer enough flexibility to be used either way.

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2022, 10:44:29 AM by Wobbly »
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Offline Wobbly

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Re: CZ 527 7.62x39 Reloading
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2022, 10:40:35 AM »
FYI to those who have sent me private messages - I'm unable to respond or to send new private messages. Not sure why...maybe I don't have enough posts. Sorry about that.

You need to be above 25 posts to receive private messages on the CZ Forum. This prevents people from popping on here to use our system for a one-time sale, which is usually a scam for our regulars. Sad but true. What I suggest is that for each message you receive within this thread that you simply respond "That's great info. Thank you". Then you'll be up to 25 posts in no time.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2022, 10:48:44 AM by Wobbly »
In God we trust; On 'Starting Load' we rely.