Author Topic: Just got my first CZ pistol. Some thoughts on my new P-01  (Read 1882 times)

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Offline hassiman

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Just got my first CZ pistol. Some thoughts on my new P-01
« on: June 28, 2022, 11:42:06 PM »

Just got my first CZ. A P-01.

I also have an HK USP Compact 40, An HK P2000sk 40 and a Kimber compact stainless 1911 45acp.

I must say that i really like the point, grip, balance of the weapon as I find the lower profile slide to be a asset as far a muzzle flip and second shot target acquisition.

I was however fairly disappointed on the overall QC of the piece was lacking. Rough finish, interior surfaces not finessed at all... Why they don't polycoat the inside of the frame, grind down scratches made during assembly I will never understand. An HK or SIG does not cost that much more and there weapon's finish is almost always superb. I now see why there is a large aftermarket business offering polishing and lockwork upgrades.

I will shoot it till it's broken in and then get a better trigger and lightened DA and SA pull.

Am I just being too picky...? It's a good design but the execution is lacking.

Offline roggiedog

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Re: Just got my first CZ pistol. Some thoughts on my new P-01
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2022, 12:32:12 AM »
Your assessment is accurate. If you got one that performs well then you did good. But these guns don't have a lot of personal attention paid to them at manufacture. High volume creations. But I like them. I'm just not going to dump much money into them to fix them up.

Offline hodge

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Re: Just got my first CZ pistol. Some thoughts on my new P-01
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2022, 04:25:42 PM »
Everyone has different priorities and perspectives. I am not put off by the level of finish inside my CZ's. They run flawlessly, so I am satisfied. I've owned many Sigs- while they may give more attention to the interior, their exterior finishes aren't perfect or indestructible. When I evaluate one of my firearms, I look at the full picture. Again, I am very happy with my CZ's, and prefer them to anything else that I've owned.

Offline bonj

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Re: Just got my first CZ pistol. Some thoughts on my new P-01
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2022, 06:36:28 PM »

Just got my first CZ. A P-01.

I also have an HK USP Compact 40, An HK P2000sk 40 and a Kimber compact stainless 1911 45acp.

I must say that i really like the point, grip, balance of the weapon as I find the lower profile slide to be a asset as far a muzzle flip and second shot target acquisition.

I was however fairly disappointed on the overall QC of the piece was lacking. Rough finish, interior surfaces not finessed at all... Why they don't polycoat the inside of the frame, grind down scratches made during assembly I will never understand. An HK or SIG does not cost that much more and there weapon's finish is almost always superb. I now see why there is a large aftermarket business offering polishing and lockwork upgrades.

I will shoot it till it's broken in and then get a better trigger and lightened DA and SA pull.

Am I just being too picky...? It's a good design but the execution is lacking.

If you bought this new, send it back to CZ for free shipping and warranty work, their customer service is best in the industry and will make it right

Offline Grendel

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Re: Just got my first CZ pistol. Some thoughts on my new P-01
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2022, 06:41:10 PM »
CZ will not perform warranty work on a pistol that is functioning correctly and with a finish that is appropriate. Milling marks and so forth inside the pistol do not affect it's performance or function.
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Offline Chevron Guy

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Re: Just got my first CZ pistol. Some thoughts on my new P-01
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2022, 07:23:40 PM »
I've got Sigs and CZ's. My P01 is the one I trust! It's a working gun. If it gets a scratch, don't care, it's gonna work and work hard. Not a pretty as my Shadow 2 Orange, but it's a shooter!

Offline Claymore504

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Re: Just got my first CZ pistol. Some thoughts on my new P-01
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2022, 09:06:23 AM »
I can uderstand where you are coming from on the inside looks of the CZ. When I first got into them I was suprised to see the "unfinished" inside. When I first got into CZ there was a pretty large price gap in a CZ and Sig classic P series & Beretta 92 (The other DA/SA pistols I had experience with). I got my first CZ, 9mm SP-01 Tac FDE, for around $600. A new Sig P226 9mm was about $900 back then and a Beretta 92 less than that. Both the Sig and Beretta look excellent inside and out. I wrote off the unrefined inside of the CZ as acceptable per the price compared to other DA/SA handguns and never looked back. I got my first DA/SA expereince with the M9 in the Army and then the Sig when I got out. Both of those handguns in stock format do not work for my hand size at all. The CZ ergos fit me perfect, so that out weighs un unfished look inside the CZ for me.

Offline Laufer

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Re: Just got my first CZ pistol. Some thoughts on my new P-01
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2022, 01:01:56 AM »
hassiman: Yes, too picky, however your impression is common with our American perspectives.

I've owned about twenty rifles, maybe twelve-fourteen handguns.

If any gun is very reliable, has a world-class quality design and build , with durable steel etc ----- then I don't care whether they paint the Inside Surfaces Pink  :) or Ghetto cruiser  8) Lime Green...... Literally. 
As long as the internal areas don't easily corrode.

As for Czech guns, I've
A) owned a CZ-82 (excellent function),
B)  100% reliable P-01 with over 10,000 rds. when I Bought it (the seller admitted it - before I bought it),
C) and now have a CZ PCR plus the Czechpoint (CSA) VZ-58.

Sidenote: In 1976, after Lt. Viktor Belenko defected to Japan (almost on fumes) with his top secret, Mig-25 Foxbat high altitude Mach 2 (+) interceptor,  our engineers and CIA analysts were surprised and puzzled.
The inside surfaces of the jet had many exposed rivets - but these are exposed to No airflow. It did not matter. ;)

And lacking enough titanium for many of the external surfaces, titanium iirc was used on the wings' and tail surfaces' Leading Edges where the highest temperatures take place.
In the book "Mig Pilot".

Ugly internal rivets mattered?..... Heck no - the performance of this top secret jet had forced us to develop both the B-1 bomber and whatever else.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2022, 01:28:39 AM by Laufer »