Author Topic: Colt will ruin CZ.  (Read 27030 times)

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Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #90 on: September 12, 2022, 12:35:54 AM »
Interestingly, the history of Colt Firearms, as told by Colt's website, is silent on the matter of being bought out by CZ last year:

Well, this is the new Group Think at “Colt-CZ”:

Colt Management bought CZ…with CZ’s money. This is exactly what it’s shaping up to be.

CZ just paid big bucks for the privilege of being swallowed up by a diseased, dying whale that is Colt.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 01:38:12 AM by MeatAxe »

Online armoredman

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #91 on: September 12, 2022, 01:21:34 AM »
Colt is not running CZ. Colt CZ group is the US portion of The CZ Group, which also includes Colt Canada - the name Colt is first due to name recognition, not because Colt is running CZ. CZ management is not being fired. The CZ group is still in restructuring. The Little Rock plant is DOA with the acquisition of Colt, and I don't know if the KC plant is still making P-10s or not. The P-10 series is NOT being discontinued, but some low sellers are, like the colored frames versions in many cases. Guns are discontinued for many reasons, mostly sales and since the P-10 series is selling very well, it won't be eliminated.
CZ is not committing suicide, and this confusion will be over as soon as they can get it done.

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #92 on: September 12, 2022, 03:06:24 AM »
Colt is not running CZ. Colt CZ group is the US portion of The CZ Group, which also includes Colt Canada - the name Colt is first due to name recognition, not because Colt is running CZ. CZ management is not being fired. The CZ group is still in restructuring. The Little Rock plant is DOA with the acquisition of Colt, and I don't know if the KC plant is still making P-10s or not. The P-10 series is NOT being discontinued, but some low sellers are, like the colored frames versions in many cases. Guns are discontinued for many reasons, mostly sales and since the P-10 series is selling very well, it won't be eliminated.
CZ is not committing suicide, and this confusion will be over as soon as they can get it done.

Right on cue…

Reading the thread on arfcom, there’s been a shake up in CZ’s management — not Colt’s. Seems more than plausible that Colt management is taking over US operations. Of course, Colt does have all the history and experience — of going bankrupt.

So, are we allowed to post links to other sites’ threads? I believe you posted to it…

Seems like yesterday, Alice was the “golden girl” at CZ…hope she got canned for cooking up this crazy Colt deal, but probably not.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 03:31:57 AM by MeatAxe »

Online armoredman

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #93 on: September 12, 2022, 05:36:38 AM »
Not to sure how to take that "right on cue" remark, but whatever.
Alice left CZ-USA She was a very nice lady who really made CZ-USA into a powerhouse company from a  little upstart nobody took seriously. I have no idea how much she was involved in the Colt deal, but I do believe she was heavily involved in the Dan Wesson acquisition.
I can't read your link from here, links to outside the country are banned here. Summary?
I have no idea what changes if any have happened at Colt since it became part of the CZ group.
Yes, I have posted to the Arf thread. Wanna see exactly what I posted?
Here it is, all three of them;


Originally Posted By 2W0X1:
Dang, guess I will never own a parrot
There is one at CZ Custom in Mesa AZ as of about a week ago.

CZ USA is not imploding, OP is incorrect.

Originally Posted By spork:
Does this mean the .308 Bren isn't coming?
That was decided over a year ago, unfortunately - I lusted over a BREN BR since I first saw one.

Originally Posted By Boom_Stick:
 I imagine without a jig you could acme/bubba the old mags: remove magcatch, insert mag, mark area then dremel out the new magcatch hole. Similar to converting uzi mags to colt pattern.

Still, I'd rather have a properly made jig

Get with CZ Custom in Mesa - they are making modified Scorp mags that fit both. They might be able to help.
There is what I posted.
Perhaps you aren't aware that I am not an employee of nor paid by CZ-USA, that either my own money or donated funds run this site? CZ donates items to our gift givings, but there is no contract between us - this website is mine, not CZ-USA's. And the other thing is because I have been in charge of this website for well over a decade, I speak to higher ups at the company, conversations that are privy and I cannot refer to here, unless they tell me it is not privileged information. This is not due to any contract or legal binder, but because I respect them and their wishes. I am hoping sometime in the future all these issues will be resolved, not because I am depending on CZ-USA for anything, but because I want my favorite firearms manufacturer to grow and succeed. I am also hoping that they can rescue the famous brand of Colt, and make something great of them again, as well.

Offline BBF97

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #94 on: September 12, 2022, 07:14:04 AM »
Interestingly, the history of Colt Firearms, as told by Colt's website, is silent on the matter of being bought out by CZ last year:

Well, this is the new Group Think at “Colt-CZ”:

Colt Management bought CZ…with CZ’s money. This is exactly what it’s shaping up to be.

CZ just paid big bucks for the privilege of being swallowed up by a diseased, dying whale that is Colt.

I'm not sure exactly what facts you have to make this conclusion. CZ bought a brand and manufacturing capacity, nothing else. The US is a very rapidly growing market for CZ and building a new factory is an expensive proposition.

Offline RSR

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #95 on: September 12, 2022, 07:22:50 AM »
Here's the arfcom link:

BLUF -- nothing I see on that link or elsewhere disproves the theory/allegation that Colt is now in charge of CZ's us operations and CZ-USA has been deemed redundant.  At least that aspect of the deal aligns with what one would expect w/ recent business school grads/now "consultants" advising on restructuring operations to maximize short-term value to shareholders, while neglecting long term operations.  Remember that all publicly listed companies typically focus operations on maximum effect for the next quarter's SEC reports, not long term solvency/sustainability.

What I see in the discontinued list that's notable is:
- most of the customization options for trigger options (omega vs classic), colors, suppressor-ready, optics-ready, which means they're streamlining their product lines and which also usually happens during periods of declining profitability (and is status quo operation for Colt: "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit")
- all of the former "pistols" that will be no longer such under the BATF's new scorecard/arm brace rule -- the reason why is that not only will they require Form 1, but also domestic 922r conversion before sale
- which is also why carbine versions of Bren and Evo are also being discontinued
- CZ's suppressors are also discontinued, which is another NFA item -- because of forms, wait period, etc., selling NFA items to consumers is logistically challenging, so not optimally profitable
- And various models of rifles and shotguns that appear to have been tailored to the US market/consumer tastes and interests...

While I generally concur with MeatAxe's sentiments re: Colt-CZ and frustration with what appears to be legit "writing-on-the-wall", I still hold out hope it doesn't come to pass.  And to be clear, I don't think CZ-USA's departing CEO was responsible for the parent CZ buying Colt, so don't agree w/ that below.

AM -- think it's important to distinguish between CZ-USA, CZ-UB, and Colt.  My understanding is that CZ-USA was subsidiary of CZ-USA and existed primarily for rollmarking imports to BATF requirements, as well as any necessary conversions and warranty services.  Colt is now to be filling that role and for all intents is now the face of CZ-UB for the American consumer. 
CZ-UB still exists and technically Colt is a subsidiary; however, that may not be practically how this new conglomerate operates...

Offline RSR

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #96 on: September 12, 2022, 07:23:48 AM »
I'm not sure exactly what facts you have to make this conclusion. CZ bought a brand and manufacturing capacity, nothing else. The US is a very rapidly growing market for CZ and building a new factory is an expensive proposition.

Did you read any of the reddit thread, barfcom article, CZ-USA discontinued items list, or the CZ-USA restructuring press release?

Offline Claymore504

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #97 on: September 12, 2022, 08:22:30 AM »
I have been on this thread from the start and I have now gone through the ARFCOM one from start to current and this is pretty much a cluster. From what I see, there is lots of I heard this.....I heard that. I can only assume that the people that keep being referred to as inside sources ( ex CZ-USA employees) are legit sources. However, I would REALLY appreciate if someone actually with Colt-CZ Group (CZ-USA) would step up and actually give the public real information on what is going on. These rumors will continue to spread and evolve into pure insanity if they, CZ, do not put out real information.

I continue to hope all will end up well. I just got into CZ in 2016 and I went all in. I totally changed my handgun platform that I was invested in and have been very happy with that choice. However, I go all in on more than just the gun. I go all in on the company as a whole. I consider customer service, parts availability and LE/MIL program. So, far CZ-USA has had excellent customer service from my experience. Parts have been an issue in the past year and the LE/MIL program is no more. So, with that combined with all the rumors I am worried and really questioning staying invested in CZ is my primary platform. Hoping for the best though!

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #98 on: September 12, 2022, 08:35:42 PM »
Saw this on FB today. Losing faith...

« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 08:29:46 AM by Wobbly »

Offline crash83

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #99 on: September 12, 2022, 10:51:49 PM »
Saw this on FB today. Losing faith...

This is what started all these rumors on reddit. The OP deleted his account the following day after being questioned and not answering anything really. He did re activate his account this weekend to argue with me and a few other posters to only ignore more questions and delete his account again.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 08:30:22 AM by Wobbly »

Offline crash83

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #100 on: September 12, 2022, 11:09:40 PM »
Isn't CZ-USA hiring in Kansas City and New York currently?

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #101 on: September 12, 2022, 11:30:24 PM »
This is what started all these rumors on reddit. The OP deleted his account the following day after being questioned and not answering anything really. He did re activate his account this weekend to argue with me and a few other posters to only ignore more questions and delete his account again.

The proof in the pudding as far as “COLT-cz’s” master plan is who they’re going to hire to replace
Alice Poluchova, who recently “was resigned for personal reasons” from the Board. That’s straight from COLT cz’s press release, so that’s no BS. It seems strange to run Alice off, since she seemed to be such an up and comer, behind the brilliant acquisition of Dan Wesson, as I understand it, and CEO of CZ USA, which seemed to be doing a good job, aside from letting the Bren 2 wither on the vine, which would seem to be CZ UB’s fault.

We’ll know if the fix is in for a COLT cz fluster cluck if they bring on one of their usual career bankruptcy clowns from Colt to replace her and move all US operations up to Dolt — I mean “Colt”!
« Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 08:30:46 AM by Wobbly »

Offline RSR

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #102 on: September 13, 2022, 04:15:02 AM »
The proof in the pudding as far as “COLT-cz’s” master plan is who they’re going to hire to replace
Alice Poluchova, who recently “was resigned for personal reasons” from the Board. That’s straight from COLT cz’s press release, so that’s no BS. It seems strange to run Alice off, since she seemed to be such an up and comer, behind the brilliant acquisition of Dan Wesson, as I understand it, and CEO of CZ USA, which seemed to be doing a good job, aside from letting the Bren 2 wither on the vine, which would seem to be CZ UB’s fault.

We’ll know if the fix is in for a COLT cz fluster cluck if they bring on one of their usual career bankruptcy clowns from Colt to replace her and move all US operations up to Dolt — I mean “Colt”!

Everything I've seen indicates that CZ-USA is now a subsidiary of Colt, and Colt a subsidiary of CZ-UB...  So long as nothing changes on that front, then I guess that's the best we can hope for.  That does mean Colt doing US conversions, warranty, etc., work on CZ guns in the USA.

Where alarm bells would really ring for me is would be if Colt starts meddling in CZ-UB's operations. 
BUT the US was 51% of CZ-UB's revenues in 2019 and 66% in 2020 per their annual report at the following link, so -- so goes the USA, so goes CZ-UB...

So if things go south w/ this deal and merger, they may need one of the "usual career bankruptcy clowns from Colt" to survive, even if just as a dead man walking, like Colt's been for years...

Offline MeatAxe

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #103 on: September 13, 2022, 12:36:36 PM »
The proof in the pudding as far as “COLT-cz’s” master plan is who they’re going to hire to replace
Alice Poluchova, who recently “was resigned for personal reasons” from the Board. That’s straight from COLT cz’s press release, so that’s no BS. It seems strange to run Alice off, since she seemed to be such an up and comer, behind the brilliant acquisition of Dan Wesson, as I understand it, and CEO of CZ USA, which seemed to be doing a good job, aside from letting the Bren 2 wither on the vine, which would seem to be CZ UB’s fault.

We’ll know if the fix is in for a COLT cz fluster cluck if they bring on one of their usual career bankruptcy clowns from Colt to replace her and move all US operations up to Dolt — I mean “Colt”!

Everything I've seen indicates that CZ-USA is now a subsidiary of Colt, and Colt a subsidiary of CZ-UB...  So long as nothing changes on that front, then I guess that's the best we can hope for.  That does mean Colt doing US conversions, warranty, etc., work on CZ guns in the USA.

Where alarm bells would really ring for me is would be if Colt starts meddling in CZ-UB's operations. 
BUT the US was 51% of CZ-UB's revenues in 2019 and 66% in 2020 per their annual report at the following link, so -- so goes the USA, so goes CZ-UB...

So if things go south w/ this deal and merger, they may need one of the "usual career bankruptcy clowns from Colt" to survive, even if just as a dead man walking, like Colt's been for years...

Wow! Well that’s interesting! Though I assumed that the USA civilian gun market was CZ’s biggest single “customer”, I had no idea that we were 66% of CZ’s business total — which makes it all the more absurd that CZ is going to put multi-bankrupted Colt in charge of US operations. CZ UB also has no excuses for the whole x39 Bren 2 FTE debacle, how they totally dropped the ball on taking advantage of the huge interest and popularity of the Bren,  failing to provide such  parts and service!

It looks to me like CZ UB has hired some hot-shot MBAs, with “better ideas” to totally pooch screw themselves.

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Re: Colt will ruin CZ.
« Reply #104 on: September 13, 2022, 03:14:05 PM »

So, am I the only member here that isn't losing sleep over this???

I have much more firearms related concerns to worry about, MUCH MORE.  Plus I learned this nice little trick years ago-------------

My Gawd, it is like the end of the world as we know it and that is coming from someone the might (or might not) own five CZ pistols.