I ran across mine mostly by accident 2 or 3 years ago. I only shot it a little bit before sidetracking myself about another gun or three.
Darn thing shoots so good I would not convert it to .357 SIG. Had it been a pretty poor grouper (like my 4" FNS .40) I'd have followed up on the .357 SIG conversion.
I love the look of the .40 slides, too. They look like the CZ75 SA slide, with the full length rails.
Good luck with your conversion. Pay no attention to the people who tell you that the extra velocity of the .357 SIG is unnecessary in one thread and then, in another thread, tell you to get/shoot 9MM+P ammo, for the extra velocity.
Can't say it's true buy I've read, a few times, that the shape of the case makes the .357 SIG feed better than a straight walled case.
I will say, if you reload it, you may find a need to trim cases for length (you don't have to do that with straight walled cases.) Not trimming may lead to crimping uniformity issues which cause other problems.
There's a video, on you tube of a CZ Tactical Sport CZ Custom fitted with a .357 SIG barrel. It's some pretty awesome shooting/velocity.