Author Topic: CZ 600 write-up  (Read 23828 times)

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Offline armoredman

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2022, 06:00:32 AM »
I THINK I have a line on an Alpha in .308, not sure yet. That one has the all weather stock and Picatinny rails for scope mounts. Scraping shekels and such if it's true.

Offline Psyop96

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CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2022, 03:12:39 PM »
Some of the 600 line are coming in with the redesigned features. I really like the Trail, and I agree - it would be awesome, (for me), in .308 with the ability to use AR-10 magazines, but it is what it is. I have only had one bolt action CZ rifle, my long lost and greatly lamented CZ 527M, but I will also say the 600 Lux in .308 has definitely grabbed my attention, with iron sights and Rem 700 scope mount drill and tap in place. I miss the 527 series, and the old 550s, but the 600 is what is here to stay now, and I think once they get past the teething issues, it will be an excellent rifle.
Not to worry about a future version of the 527 carbine format in the new series [emoji6].The 600 trail in 556 felt very good in the hand today; got to find a way to get some rounds down range one of these days. The Alpha with the straight bolt handle at around 160° angle is very quick to operate.

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« Last Edit: September 23, 2022, 02:24:54 AM by Psyop96 »

Offline armoredman

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2022, 04:08:25 AM »
Nice! Still no word on the Alpha...

Offline sign216

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2022, 12:24:47 PM »
Just saw the 600 write up in the Nov Guns & Ammo.  The writer gushes over the new model.  In the first page he falsely alludes to the old CZ as being a "push-feed action."  Later on, he says the new 600 has a "controlled-round feed (CRF) bolt" with an AR-15/M16 style extractor.   Huh?

Such nonsense.  Just write about the rifle, without making things up.


Offline alp3367

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2022, 12:28:03 PM »
Just saw the 600 write up in the Nov Guns & Ammo.  The writer gushes over the new model.  In the first page he falsely alludes to the old CZ as being a "push-feed action."  Later on, he says the new 600 has a "controlled-round feed (CRF) bolt" with an AR-15/M16 style extractor.   Huh?

Such nonsense.  Just write about the rifle, without making things up.


 Some of the older ones were push feed, 557 for instance. I haven't read the article so not sure if he specified, but in a broad sense it's not wrong.

Offline crosstimbers

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2022, 12:52:02 PM »
Just saw the 600 write up in the Nov Guns & Ammo.  The writer gushes over the new model.  In the first page he falsely alludes to the old CZ as being a "push-feed action."  Later on, he says the new 600 has a "controlled-round feed (CRF) bolt" with an AR-15/M16 style extractor.   Huh?

Such nonsense.  Just write about the rifle, without making things up.


The 557 was the short-lived successor to the 550 and is push-fed. Everything prior to that was CRF. The new rifle (600) has a modified form of CRF, but not the same as the 550. Only time will tell if it's as reliable as the older CRF.

But you're right, the author does gush quite a bit. It's a bit of a disservice to the readers, but that's what they are paid to do. In a perfect world things would be different, I'm sure that the first articles concerning the new model 70 praised it as the new cat's meow.
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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2022, 01:59:44 PM »

The 557 was the short-lived successor to the 550 and is push-fed. Everything prior to that was CRF. The new rifle (600) has a modified form of CRF, but not the same as the 550. Only time will tell if it's as reliable as the older CRF.

Modified CRF?  What do you mean by that?  All I know is CFR (Mauser style) and push-feed.

Offline crosstimbers

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2022, 12:11:47 PM »

The 557 was the short-lived successor to the 550 and is push-fed. Everything prior to that was CRF. The new rifle (600) has a modified form of CRF, but not the same as the 550. Only time will tell if it's as reliable as the older CRF.

Modified CRF?  What do you mean by that?  All I know is CFR (Mauser style) and push-feed.

It is some sort of new system, and I don't pretend to understand it well enough to describe it, I simply haven't had the interest to research it. What it is NOT is the Mauser-styled CRF.

I'm sure that it's cheaper to manufacture.
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Offline david s

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2022, 05:49:37 PM »
At one point in time (I believe it was the early 1990's) Winchester offered a non-Mauser style control feed for the model 70 bolt action rifle. I don't mean the pre 64 model 70's with the long rotating extractor, but a controlled feed version based on the push feed post 64 style ejection system. I also seem to remember it was just about the time they began offering a short actioned model 70 and this version was mainly offered in varmint calibers.  I've never used one so can't comment on them. There are other non-Mauser inspired control round fed rifles also.

Offline Psyop96

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2022, 04:28:14 PM »
I had the opportunity to shoot and work with a CZ 600 Trail in .233 the past month (also have a 527 carbine in 7.62x39 and also used a friend’s in .223) and have to say that it was a very enjoyable experience. For one thing, the standard AR-15 type 10-round Magpul included for the .223 was much appreciated over the older 527 magazine. I would say to get some experience with the new 600 series before drawing conclusions one way or the other versus the older series.

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Offline crosstimbers

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2022, 06:14:45 AM »
I had the opportunity to shoot and work with a CZ 600 Trail in .233 the past month (also have a 527 carbine in 7.62x39 and also used a friend’s in .223) and have to say that it was a very enjoyable experience. For one thing, the standard AR-15 type 10-round Magpul included for the .223 was much appreciated over the older 527 magazine. I would say to get some experience with the new 600 series before drawing conclusions one way or the other versus the older series.

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What drew me to CZ rifles was the combination of style and quality. Top-notch Euro-centric rifles that embodied both form and function, beyond that of current American made production rifles, and at prices that didn't require I hijack an armored truck in order to buy them.

Now, they have abandoned the style portion of what made me a CZ rifle fan, in favor of quasi Buck-Rogers raygunesque looks. They will probably find plenty of customers who actually like this. But let's not pretend that sales alone are a driving force for these changes, there will be lower production costs that are probably as much or more a factor than anything else. As for the magpul mag capability, a lack of plastic on the older models isn't a drawback in my opinion, it's a plus.

So, whether the function portion of the equation is still there or not. Speaking only for myself, I'm simply not interested.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2022, 06:26:21 AM by crosstimbers »
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Offline JDL

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2023, 12:31:11 PM »
I'm glad I have my 3 CZ rifles with the newest being from 2004. It saddens me that the 550's and 527's aren't produced anymore. Nowadays if I have a hankering for a new rifle, I'll look to Savage before I consider's too short to hunt with a ugly rifle.

Offline crosstimbers

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2023, 04:41:05 PM »
I can understand when something isn't selling, a company needs to do something differently. But I find it very difficult to believe that the 527, one of the most popular of their line, wasn't selling. When they discontinued the 550 there was at least some amount of honesty, that they were trying to reduce production costs. With all that being said, the end of the 550/557/527 and the introduction of the 600 series can only amount to two things 1. an effort to further reduce production costs and 2. making changes simply for the sake of making changes.

Because there are always people who like buying something that is "new", they will probably sell well for a time. After the new wears off, I seriously doubt the new rifles will be outselling the older models.

I don't know why it is that so many things which never needed replacement, get replaced for something that is allegedly "better", even when people clearly aren't happy about it....(think of new formula Coke and what a disaster that was, among others) But customer satisfaction is the absolute last thing that drives such activity. My 2 cents, based on many years of observation on a variety of products.
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Offline JDL

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2023, 06:43:54 PM »
Probably the machinery was worn out, as with Winchester in 1964, and rather than keep making the time honored product, decided to make a product that would net more profit, even if inferior.

Offline crosstimbers

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Re: CZ 600 write-up
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2023, 08:13:54 PM »
Probably the machinery was worn out, as with Winchester in 1964, and rather than keep making the time honored product, decided to make a product that would net more profit, even if inferior.

Perhaps, but I think doubtful. CZ bolt guns had not been in production here nearly as long as the Winchester rifles in question. In any case, the entire debacle has totally cancelled any ideas of new gun purchases I had- to used gun finds only....even then the prices are prohibitive, as the more desirable older models have skyrocketed in price to the point of being almost unobtainium.

Still, we do what we can. Like you say, I'm just happy to have what I have. If I am ever able to locate something else that I want and have the good fortune to find it affordable...I will welcome it to my collection.

CZ will never admit it, and shills will argue against it, but they really relieved themselves in their mess kit with all these discontinuations. No matter how it affects them in the future, the bigger issue is what we have lost. Sad.
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