I intend (when the current Minnesota winter warning blows over) to go to larger gun shop and ask if I could plunk several brands into my barrel. If I find more issues, I may have CZ check it.
• While you may find a source for several brands of ammo commonly available, you may also find a know-it-all gun store expert who has never seen a CZ, but never-the-less knows everything there is to know about everything 9mm. This even though he doesn't reload, doesn't shoot pistol competition, and believes you need to trade that pistol in on the same brand he shoots (albeit only once a year). What I'm saying is that gun stores are hurting right now, so you'll most proabably get the full-court-press to leave the gun for his gunsmith and/or buy lots of his expensive ammo and/or buy the pistol he has in the show case.
He may also want you to test ammo like Hornady
Critical Duty or
XTP which is not FMJ. The place to start is on the phone. Make sure you're going to a store with lots of 115gr FMJ in stock from several makers.
• CZ is not going to spend much time "checking" it. They may get 40 of these each day. And sadly their go-to answer is going to be ream
and then check. No one (including them) is going to be able to quantify the dimensional increase. But, I can give you the one and only FACT that all parties can agree upon:
Once material is taken off, it can't be put back on. • Here's another option you may like better:
When you are able, then send me your full name and mailing address in a PM. I will send you several samples of known-good FMJ ammo. You'll then be able to try those in your chamber without leaving the comfort of your home.
How does that sound ?