Another update!
I polished the feed ramp some more (almost a mirror finish). I went to the range yesterday and started to shoot. Gun cleaned, took the factory mags and the new one I already had on the previous range trip.
After something like 80 rounds - whoopsie,
failure to feed. Cleared it, started shooting again. So, like before, this happened at the last round in the mag - I mean the last round wouldn't chamber. It happened a couple more times (not always, as usual). I noticed that this happened on a factory mag. These mags were only cleaned once - a couple of months ago (many rounds through the gun since then), but my understanding was, that this was due to the feed ramp inconsistencies (and it getting dirty), not the mags, that's why I forgot about them. However, I switched to the new mag (I also had it on the range a week ago), shot another 100 rounds through that mag only -
no issues at all. And I deliberately loaded 2-3 rounds max to see what happens on the last round.
I promised you pics of the malfunction and I'm a man of my word

I took some pictures on the range, I attach one of them here below:

You can see the rest of the pics here (I didn't want to clutter up the thread) - There are a couple of them, I tried to show it from the different angles. Sorry for the quality of some of them - the range has bad lighting + I obviously couldn't point the gun anywhere else other than the target, so it was a lil' bit tricky.
So, my guess is - the polishing of the feed ramp definitely helped. But all the things here are connected. So, for example - I think that
old/factory mags are the issue (due to gunk on the follower, gunk inside, bad spring). Either the dirt on the follower angles the round incorrectly, maybe they don't have enough force, maybe they are too slow to push the last round as the slide cycles and the round goes forward under a strange angle. Things that mitigated this -
stronger recoil spring (basically pushing the cartridge by force, that's why I decided not to use it like a month ago) and the aforementioned
polished feed ramp. As the feed ramp gets dirty, the advantages from it getting polished are diminished, that's why at the beginning everything is fine, later the problems start occurring.
I also now cleaned the mags after coming back from the range. Scrubbed metal parts with a brush and solvent, followers with Q-tips and cotton pads (as they are plastic). Here's a before:

and after:

I also installed a new follower in one of the factory mags: (so now I have 2 factory ones, one factory with a new follower and a completely new one)
So, this is my next quess - mags. Unfortunately, I didn't keep track of which mags I was shooting at my previous range trip (a week ago, not yesterday), so I don't know if malfunctions also happened on a new mag then, but yesterday I saw that they happened only on the factory uncleaned mags, the new one worked flawlessly (it's just 100+ rounds is not that big of a sample size). Now I have them all clean and ready to go. Next range trip (again, probably Wednesday) I will try to shoot them all and see what happens. Because, as you, @tdogg, said - it shouldn't be like 100 rounds till a malfunction happens (due to a dirty feed ramp). The only thing that wasn't cleaned between the range trips was the mags. I only cleaned them once after like maybe first 200 rounds and then I think I shot something like 1500 more without any mag maintenance. I did that now (and tried to do a thorough job).
Soo, what do you think? Could it be the mags? I mean this is what I'm thinking (because yesterday the malfunctions didn't happend on a new mag). The only thing that makes me not 100% convinced is I only shot like 100-150 rounds through the new mag yesterday (silly of me not to keep track of which mags I was shooting with a week ago) and this is maybe not the biggest sample size, maybe it was luck.