Author Topic: P10F striker saftey block spring question.  (Read 1087 times)

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Offline Squeezycz

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P10F striker saftey block spring question.
« on: May 13, 2023, 12:19:34 PM »
Hi, I'm new to cz. I want to first say I adore my new cz p10f. First time with it to the range and it shoots so smooth. I think I shot it better than my glock 45 edc. I dont think it's an issue, did not find issue upon internet search. The spring that operates the block that stops the striker for drop safety is so small. I thought it was a dog hair and started to scrub on it with a brush till I realized it's a spring. I'm curious, not knocking the design. I'm sure it's fine since I never found a mention online. If it was to break while firing. Will they the gun still operate fire and cycle? Will it only be rendered non drop safe in this probably unlikely scenario?

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Re: P10F striker saftey block spring question.
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2023, 06:01:57 PM »
Admins have moved your question to the P10 forum. You'll get much better answers and faster help from experts here.

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Offline Auslander

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Re: P10F striker saftey block spring question.
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2023, 05:39:39 PM »
Others may disagree, but the striker safety on the P10 (and Glock) is largely superfluous. I imagine it was designed at the urging of some lawyer or marketing exec.

The main “drop safety” is going to be facilitated by the tabbed trigger. Whilst the trigger is blocked by the tab, the trigger bar is also blocked from vertical movement by a cross pin. In addition, when the weapon is in battery, the striker is only partially cocked. The striker safety would only ever be employed if there was a catastrophic failure of the sear surfaces, but then the striker is still only partially cocked.

In this case, the striker safety is kinda like stapling your pants to your waist while wearing a belt and suspenders.

There is one very popular handgun on the market that has a fully cocked striker being held by a floating sear without a tabbed trigger. In that case, the striker safely is pretty much the only active internal safety with the exception of a passive-secondary sear surface. If you disassemble it, you’ll find the spring on that safety is about half the thickness of the CZ one. In this case, you really are not wearing a belt.


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Offline Auslander

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Re: P10F striker saftey block spring question.
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2023, 05:43:48 PM »
And… if it happens to break, the weapon should still fire.

Not to say you should fiddle with it if you aren’t familiar with disassembly.

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Offline Squeezycz

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Re: P10F striker saftey block spring question.
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2023, 07:00:21 PM »
Thanks everybody.