I acquired a CZ P07 pistol last fall. Having reached the point I’m comfortable using it for Carry, I thought my challenges and solutions might be of some value to others. CZ’s are new to me, but I’ve reworked Glock, folded slide Sig, and striker fired Walther pistols, and thought I knew what I was getting into.
The pistol is a first generation CZ P07 Duty .40 caliber model. Initially, I had to address commonly known but new to me 1st gen flaws (frame bulge, trigger bar spring dislocating, and sticking magazines) which entailed replacing the front frame insert with a newer version eliminating the slide stop spring to frame interface, using low heat and pressing the frame back into shape then clamping it overnight, deepening the spring seating channel in the trigger bar plus lowering the spring tension, and, flattening the sides of the magazine where the coating showed scuffing and was sticking. These fixes have held for several months now.
Action changes addressed reducing a heavy and sometimes quirky feeling double action trigger pull weight, increasing the very light rolling single action trigger pull weight, simplifying the cumbersome uncaptured recoil spring installation, a sharply curved trigger shoe, and a plastic grip feel. I initially researched the forum, polished the action parts, installed a CGW slide kit, and cycled thru multiple main spring and sear spring combinations (5 main springs and 7 sear springs) to come up with a lighter DA pull (7.25# vs an initial 10+#) and firm enough SA trigger press (4.25# vs an initial 3#) combination that I felt would be good for carry. I also found the hammer and sear surfaces had about 70% engagement due to the sear having a canted face. I removed the cant by stoning the face and kept the leading edge sharp. The stoning did change the action’s timing and amplified the quirky trigger action and required replacing the DA roller to retime it. I also replaced the trigger shoe and added a solid metal guide rod and drilled a cross hole in it to wind the spring onto the guide before installing.
The DA trigger pull worked OK and the SA press was heavy enough but had much more creep than my Sig pistol. I switched to the CGW hammer and it eliminated a good portion of the felt SA creep although the rolling sear release is unchanged. The change also reduced both the DA and SA pulls by .5#. I knew initially that the OEM SA trigger was safe but the very light rolling press felt too close to a hair trigger to trust myself using it in a high tension self defense situation. The action is now as good as I know how to make it for a carry gun.
Probably to be expected, the felt recoil of full power 165gr and 180gr ammunition is a handful in this size pistol. The relaxed OEM recoil spring caused spent cartridges to eject over 20 ft. Reducing it required a 20# Glock 19 flat wire spring. The result being a stout felt recoil that affects getting back on target quickly for follow-up shots. My shot cadence isn't up to par with my 9mm pistols and the pistol is not as effective as a carry gun as I initially hoped.
I threw caution to the wind and acquired a 9mm CZ P07 Parts Kit from a Gunblaster outlet. The kit included a complete slide assembly plus all the frame parts excluding the bare frame which had been destroyed. I Cagunized the slide and have interchanged some of the frame parts to reduce trigger pre-travel and reset distance a bit - part tolerances commonly vary between individual CZ guns and cause a big variation in how the actions feel. The 9mm makeover makes the pistol a little less accurate the 40 version off a bench but much easier to control off hand. I declared the pistol good to go for carry and have put it into use.
My advice to anyone considering purchasing or upgrading a P07/P09 pistol is to look before you leap; research the forums before you commit, don’t by online if you can avoid it, and, lastly be aware that I didn’t have much initial out of pocket cost for a used gun but spent the cost of a new pistol upgrading it. Buying new can entail doubling the end cost if you go all in on upgrading.