I recently shot a sanctioned IDPA match in revolver Div and decided to shoot CCP division at the next sanctioned match in July. I have a few guns that qualify for CCP and decided to run a simple 4 target stage that included reloading and firing from behind cover.
I took my P10S, P10c, PCR and SIG X compact out to see which one of these guns I perform best with.
Interesting results for me
My raw time was fastest with the SIG, but not by much. My accuracy was best with the P10c- again not by much
Raw time + points down (total score) the P10c ranked first, followed by the PCR, P10S and lastly the SIG
Am sure it could be different if I ran it again, especially if I changed the order of what pistol I shoot first, second , etc. Admittedly it was a small sample size of runs too
I’ll probably run the P10c