I might be wrong, but in looking at the serial number of my DWX I don't think there's much to be learned from it.
I might be entirely wrong about the meaning of the characters in the serial number, but the number is so simple that it can't include much information.
The only information that I can guess about is the first letter, an (x) which I assume is the series, as in DWX, Dan Wesson X series.
The next two are digits, in my case is "22", which more than likely indicate the year of manufacture.
The remaining digits are the serial number of your specific DWX. There's nothing else there.
It's not like there is a long series of numbers and letters like some other manufacturers. Other manufacturers have serial numbers with letters/numbers which indicate such things as type of sights, barrel length, etc, etc.
The serial number of the DWX is so short that I don't think it contains any information other than the series, the date of manufacture, and the serial or sequence number.
Maybe someone with more experience will chime in and prove me wrong.