Author Topic: P-07 various issues  (Read 9165 times)

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Re: P-07 various issues
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2023, 05:13:57 PM »
I've never had a CZ with break in issues either but I'm sure every now and then one if made with a collection of parts that require a little more "wear in" than most.

It was either Vuurwapen Blog or the Firearm Blog IIRC, but one or the other did a CZ-UB factory tour and video prob a decade or so now, and part of the process is an automated machine that cycles the slides on new production guns a few hundred to a thousand or so times...

Specifically recall as it negates most of the break in period that say the Sigs I was primarily shooting at the time require -- (can generally hand cycle at home several hundred times, reclean everything, and leave slide locked back over a night to few for them)...

Other tours/vids since probably show as well.  And also believe it showed the mandrel CHF process for their rifle barrels (Vz58 IIRC, as believe it was pre-Bren).

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: P-07 various issues
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2023, 06:58:44 PM »
I've got a lot of CZs but if I ever run across another P07 in .40 S&W it'll probably have to come home with me for a back up/spare.
A quick search on Gunbroker for CZ P-07 .40 shows 2 P-07's in .40 S&W. One is a DUTY model and the other is a second gen version.

Thanks.  Looked for them.  Found the DUTY.  The other must have been sold already or I missed it.  I'll just keep an eye out at the gun shows so I can look them over good and maybe not compete country wide for one with a bunch of other bidders.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?


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Re: P-07 various issues
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2023, 05:03:43 AM »
Thanks.  Looked for them.  Found the DUTY.  The other must have been sold already or I missed it.  I'll just keep an eye out at the gun shows so I can look them over good and maybe not compete country wide for one with a bunch of other bidders.

Yeah it's hard to get a good deal on auction sites.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2023, 06:43:16 AM by Wobbly »

Offline Wayward_Angel

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Re: P-07 various issues
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2023, 11:41:59 AM »
I shot another 100 rounds through my P07 and no problems whatsoever - looks like my polishing job did the trick.  :D

Still one thing that bothers me is how incredibly hard this gun is to shoot accurately. First I cannot use as much of my trigger finger as with my other guns since on SA the trigger is so far back using more trigger finger results in the TF rubbing against the palm of my support hand.
Next thing is the trigger - I have a couple hundred rounds through it and I STILL cannot tell when the shot breaks. Every shot is a surprise. The trigger has no wall, there is a lot of mush and then somewhere in there the hammer is released. Because of those issues I tend to shoot at 9o clock all the time.
It reminds me a lot of my AKM trigger, which is also hard to shoot because of that trigger behavior and I can never tell when it is going to go bang. Its just consistent resistance with no stages whatsoever and suddenly it goes bang.

I know it sounds weird but I have a much easier time shooting my Glock, the trigger is not as far back so I can use a proper trigger finger placement and the trigger has a very definitive wall.

So far I'm a little disappointed with the pistol. The quality of the gun is excellent but like I said, boy is it hard to shoot. I shot it side by side with my Glock 21 in .45 and shot it much much more accurately with far less effort.   :P

I have XL glove size and I tried all backstraps BTW. Medium feels best but It does not help with the accuracy.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2023, 11:46:01 AM by Wayward_Angel »
Practice until you don't get it wrong, not until you get it right.

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Re: P-07 various issues
« Reply #34 on: July 08, 2023, 02:21:35 PM »
Yeah, the backstraps on these don't really do much to adjust the length of pull, which I think is a miss in the design...

Offline nkresho

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Re: P-07 various issues
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2023, 11:15:00 AM »
Getting to this thread a little late, but your symptoms are very similar to a dirty extractor i get in my shadow 2.  After maybe 5000 rounds i start to get fail to feeds like yours. Nose-diving bullet, halfway up the ramp and seems like a weak mag spring but it's not.  Solution for that pistol (for me) is removing the extractor and cleaning the channel it sits in really well (q-tip with some cotton removed works decent, soaked in solvent).  Then i polish the flat faces at the top and bottom of the extractor and clean the it really well then reassemble.  Never messing with the claw.  Every time it resolved the issue for me, so i incorporate it to my regular maintenance schedule. I shoot a lot, so it's every few months i need to do it.

As for the p07 trigger (sounds horrible, sorry) I followed a guide on here  and polished all the surfaces in mine with great results.  I used a dremel with mothers mag and aluminum polish as the final step.   Smoothed it out nicely and got a palpable wall with little to no grit.  Wanted it a bit lighter later on and i ended up going with the full cajun gunworks kit (hammer, springs, short reset kit, firing pin, etc etc)   and later i added their "old sytle" trigger.  I was having a fail to reset trigger issue and the new trigger remedied that.  I can honestly say the trigger feels really good even compared to my shadow 2 with all the CGW doo-dads too.  (Shadow 2 is ~5# DA and ~2#SA for reference)  The p07 pull is definitely longer due to the FP block and DA is much heavier (~8#) too due to the heavier mainspring, but side by side the p07 still feels precise and predictable.

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Re: P-07 various issues
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2023, 06:42:49 PM »
What is the impact of the roller bearing size? Does increasing/decreasing the size change DA behavior in a predictable way, or is it just that each gun has an optimal roller bearing size based on how it interacts with the trigger bar? I had a stock P09 with an atrocious action out of the box. I bought the CGW pro kit and ordered the .030” bearing because that was the size of the stock one in my gun. I was accidentally sent the .020” bearing and it actually made the double action unreliable. You could pull the trigger all the way to the rear and the hammer sometimes wouldn’t drop. All over 1/100th of an inch. My P07 had a stock .023” and the guys at CGW told me to go with .020”, which I did.
Has anyone experimented with different size bearings to see their impact on DA pull quality? I am considering ordering a .025” and .030” roller bearing to my P07 just to test them and see the difference. But then I will need to spring for a trigger pull gauge. [emoji3]

Offline FakeCZName

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Re: P-07 various issues
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2023, 05:41:03 PM »
Sounds like you need Cajun Gun Works upgrade for your P-07. It will take care of ALL of your P-07 problems. After that, marksmanship will be all on you.

Offline Wayward_Angel

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Re: P-07 various issues
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2023, 05:27:56 PM »
Sounds like you need Cajun Gun Works upgrade for your P-07. It will take care of ALL of your P-07 problems. After that, marksmanship will be all on you.

Unfortunately I live outside the US and as far as I'm aware they do not ship internationally so I'm out of luck here.

I have close to a 1000 rounds through the pistol now and the trigger has not become any better so far, still cannot tell where it breaks.

Ironically, for what its worth, I find the DA pull absolutely outstanding if I do a continuous pull and not try to stage it. Even at 25 meters I'm in the black every time without trying too hard and at 10 meters self defense practice I almost prefer DA over SA.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2023, 05:47:31 PM by Wayward_Angel »
Practice until you don't get it wrong, not until you get it right.