I shot another 100 rounds through my P07 and no problems whatsoever - looks like my polishing job did the trick.

Still one thing that bothers me is how incredibly hard this gun is to shoot accurately. First I cannot use as much of my trigger finger as with my other guns since on SA the trigger is so far back using more trigger finger results in the TF rubbing against the palm of my support hand.
Next thing is the trigger - I have a couple hundred rounds through it and I STILL cannot tell when the shot breaks. Every shot is a surprise. The trigger has no wall, there is a lot of mush and then somewhere in there the hammer is released. Because of those issues I tend to shoot at 9o clock all the time.
It reminds me a lot of my AKM trigger, which is also hard to shoot because of that trigger behavior and I can never tell when it is going to go bang. Its just consistent resistance with no stages whatsoever and suddenly it goes bang.
I know it sounds weird but I have a much easier time shooting my Glock, the trigger is not as far back so I can use a proper trigger finger placement and the trigger has a very definitive wall.
So far I'm a little disappointed with the pistol. The quality of the gun is excellent but like I said, boy is it hard to shoot. I shot it side by side with my Glock 21 in .45 and shot it much much more accurately with far less effort.

I have XL glove size and I tried all backstraps BTW. Medium feels best but It does not help with the accuracy.