One more thing, about spare parts really.
Look through the list. Put what you need in the cart. May be a lot, or a little. Shipping is about the same whether you buy 3 little parts or 8 little parts and 4 midsize parts.
So, if you're going to pay shipping anyway, order spares of the parts you needed and maybe a few other spares you might need some day. Whenever you order parts, get a few extra. Pins, springs, small parts that might break - or get lost when you're taking the pistol frame/slide apart. You usually don't lose barrels, recoil spring assemblies, etc. You lose stuff like the sear spring, maybe the trigger return spring, the front sight pin (you're supposed to replace it when you replace the front sight but I like to have extra pins in case I need them), the little pieces. You might find it in a few hours, or a few days, or never find it. Nice to have a spare in the parts box in case you need it. So far I've not replaced CZ parts for failure, I've replaced them because I lost them (or in one case through a couple small springs away because I thought they were pieces from an earlier failure that had been left in the rear of the frame.)
CZ's can be awesome from the factory. They can be awesome (or more awesome) with some polishing/fitting or ruin you on other pistol brands awesome with the right aftermarket parts.