Author Topic: P10M Aftermarket support?  (Read 911 times)

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Offline CZ_Blacksheep

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P10M Aftermarket support?
« on: August 12, 2023, 08:48:41 AM »
Hello everyone, new member here 👋. I recently pulled the trigger on PSA $249 P10M deal and got my first CZ! Before we start, I am well aware of the hate out there for this model (even from cz fans) but I DONT CARE or need any negative comments. I understand its design and purpose. Anyways, I was aware of the limited support for the M line but man! Its bad lol. After several hours of research, I settled on a Vedder holster and waiting on Czcustom +3 mag to be back in stock. The only thing I cant find are night sights. Checked out several places but not sure if it will fit M due to limited info. Has anyone had any luck?

Offline Litomysl94

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Re: P10M Aftermarket support?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2023, 09:58:31 AM »
Hello, I have one as well, there aren't many options.  I'm trying to figure out how to find some different sights for mine.

Falco in Slovakia makes nice leather holsters for it.

Also, Hyve Technologies just came out with a +2 extender.  I don't have one and can't vouch for it, but you might want to check it out.

Personally, I like the way mine shoots!

Offline CZ_Blacksheep

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Re: P10M Aftermarket support?
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2023, 03:23:52 PM »
I saw Hyve’s +3 for other CZ but I completely missed that one, thank you! Im definitely getting at least one. My hands are big so I need that pinky extension for a comfortable grip. CZ custom is out and was told that they dont know when its going back in stock.  Also, I emailed Mr. Taylor over at Taylor Freelance asking if he had any intentions of getting into the M market. He said he had some other projects in mind first but will definitely keep an eye on it. Its not a for sure thing yet but hey! At least its some progress right? In regards to sights, I think I might just get either night fision or truglo and see how it goes. Keep y’all updated. Thank you for your input, greatly appreciate it!