This is probably gonna be the most retarded question I ask on this forum (hope I'll not get banned for the sheer stupidity of having to ask it), but this is something that I was wondering about for a long time.
I'll cut to the chase. I own a CZ TS2. Love the gun. I made a habit of press checking it whenever I chamber a round. And the press check is really easy to do - pull the slide, see the brass, let go of the slide. When I try to do this on my other guns (CZ P-07 or Sig P320 for example), sometimes the chamber "gets stuck" on the slide. I have to give the slide a little push from behind, to it goes fully into battery.
Now, from what I understand, this is because of the chamber shape and how it sits in the slide. In TS2 (or other CZ75 variants or 1911 for that matter), the chamber is round:
It sits "inside" the slide, like this (the top of the slide partially covers the top of the chamber):
This makes the racking of the slide/press checking much easier and smoother. Additionally, it looks like it makes the barrel "tilt less" (I know that the CZs that I'm talking about, and 1911s for that matter, all have a titling-barrel mechanism - but on 1911s and CZ75s the barrels tilt way less thatn on something like a P-07, Glocks etc.). I also know that there are different locking lugs here (the CZ75 has this "kidney shapped" doodad), so maybe the barrel tilt differences are because of that, but I'm not sure.
On handguns that have the "blocky" chamber (excuse my lack of professional terminology), like this:
the chamber kinda stick out, is not covered by the slide from the top (as there's "no slide" on top):
so, when racking the slide, the chamber has to first "go under" the back portion of the slide.
What I wanted to ask is: why pretty much all the new guns that are not variations of either CZ75 or 1911 (or some other older designs) have this "blocky" chamber? Does it have an advantage over the "round" one? Because I personally can't find any, beside it actually having one disadvantage - less smooth to rack the slide/press check. Additionally, the guns that have the chamber partially covered like that look cooler to me. As I mentioned, this doesn't only apply to CZs, 1911s and other older designs are the same, but I thought the question still could be asked on a CZ forum.
P.S I tried googling the answer to my question, but I didn't know what to google. "Round vs blocky chamber" searches brought me "should I carry with round in the chamber" results.