Sorry, haven't been around since the beginning of the covid days, but it doesn't mean that I don't still tuck my Cajun Gunworks P-01 & CZ Custom 75 into bed, nightly. Ammo uncertainty stopped me from shooting very much, mostly holding on to what I got. I did add a Shadow 2 Compact, today and that brings up a couple questions for the masses here.
First let me say, it's a fine piece, but it doesn't remind me of the full size Shadow 2 and how enamored I was to shoot one at the range. It has the fit of a CZ in the hand, but no more glorious than taking hold of my P01. The trigger reset is definitely better than my others, and all this guff is only hashed out before actually shooting...
I've been coming back and browsing ever since I put this gun on order, so...
My questions:
1. Why doesn't there seem to be any banter here on the Shadow 2 Compact?
2. If you have one, does it make you put your other CZ compacts on the back burner?
3. What have you figured out with ammo pricing and trigger time?
4. How have your shooting habits changed over the last 5 years and what tricks have helped you get in trigger time?
Thanx, I'll hang up and listen...