The Tactical Sports models are going to have a better feeling trigger in single action unless you put an aftermarket hammer in your shadow. If you remove the disco without switching to a single stage trigger, and you allow a shadow to drop the hammer, instead of resetting in double action, the trigger will move all the way forward and be a dead trigger.
The TS Parts would fit in a Shadow 2, but the TS has a sear cage that doesn't move because of the stabilizer springs on the rear of it. This is one reason that makes it a better trigger then a single action Shadow from the factory.
If you use Cajun Gun Works parts, your Shadow trigger will feel better than you can make it using any other parts unless you want to hand fit a sear to a CZ Custom hammer...even if you hand fit parts, you still might not be able to make it feel better than every Cajun pro package I have ever seen. CZ custom may make hammers that don't require fitting now, but someone else will have to confirm.