The sight issue is fixed. I put a shim under the sight and fitment is good. The photo luminescence is degraded a good deal on the rear, but they are fine for daylight use at the range. Not a high priority until this 75B runs as flawlessly as my other CZ guns. At 67, I want to hang onto iron sights as long as possible. I have a red dot on a Ruger Mark II Target and that is the only one.
I'll leave the hammer and slide release alone for now.
The Hogue grip came on the gun. I tend to like it so far.
The ammo I ran at the range was Blazer Brass 180gr, PMC 165gr jhp, and Underwood 150gr jhp. The Underwood were pretty amazing. 10 yards standing offhand, I had 4 holes touching at the bullseye. Again, I wish I did not need to use a separate app for pictures, but this is not my website. The Blazer Brass shot really good once I was more focused. I wanted to be sure everything worked first. 2 of those failed to eject. The PMC jhp were also good. Only one failed to eject.
I pulled the extractor and spring last night. Although not too dirty, the channel was cleared, checked for burrs and deformation of the extractor, cleaned again and put it back together.
I put a 18lb recoil spring in it to try next range trip.