CZ-USA (Kansas City) was out of stock of the parts I needed but CZUB (Czech Republic) had them in stock. CZUB will not ship to the United States. I contacted Europe Outdoor and they purchased the parts from CZUB for me and shipped them to me here in OK. Only 10 days shipping time from Lithuania to OK. Cost was less than buying through CZ-USA.
The problem is that, technically, you’re supposed to have a permit from the atf and / or US Customs to import any firearms parts into the US. Europe Outdoors, CZ Parts, et al won’t tell you that, as they’re just more than happy to sell you gun parts over the interwebs and FedEx them to you in the US regardless of whatever feral regs you might be violating. No skin off their nose.
From what I understand, it used to be that if you imported less than a hundred bucks worth of parts at any one time, they’d leave you alone, but now under Xiden’s feral gub’ment, you never know. Could be just another weapon the ferals use to harass legit US gun owners. God knows they don’t do jack squat against actual criminals drop shipping thousands of “Glock Switches” to gang bangers in the US. YOU are the big enemy, according to the ferals.
Hopefully before long some enterprising souls will establish an end around parts pipeline between Europe and the US and cut Colt Management out of the loop. Shouldn’t be that difficult. Then, hopefully, the brain trust at CZ UB will recognize Colt Management for its gross negligence and ineptitude and heads at Colt Management will roll accordingly.