I just got a CZ600A1 in 223 caliber. For the life of me, I can't get it to group under an inch. I have tried several loads that are sub-half inch in other rifles, even a box of match ammo. These were all 55-grain projectiles. The rifle has a 1:7" twist and i have been advised to try a heavier bullet. I now have three ladders loaded up with Reloder 10, Varget and H335 using 69 grain Sierra Tipped MatchKing. Anyone have any other suggestions other than send it back to CZ for a checkup. Several other club members have the same rifle, and everything they shoot is under an inch.
take or leave....and not in any order...my feeling is that its like doctors...."do no harm - first" or use the KISS principle and THEN go down that rabbit hole. I have no idea on who you are, what you have done, experience, patience, bank account, time and so forth. so, again, take or leave....
> are you a good shooter? Some people leave out the shooter. when troubleshooting suspect everything and everyone. Did you try having someone else shoot it?
> are you keeping a reloading log?
> is the rifle scoped? is the scope any good? how about the mounts? Everything snug/tight?
> did you look at any spent brass? Anything odd?
> did you chamber a round and see if there are any witness marks as if your LOA is too long?
> what does the target tell you?
> did you ask the others with similar rifle what they were shooting? Brand, OEM/Reloads, bullet style, powder, LOA, weight?...ect?
> you can contact CZ and get their take on where to start if you want. I got rid of all my 223s so i forget what works better in what twist ect.. but you can google for it.
> but as M1A4ME stated.....
Guns are funny. What works/shoots well in mine might not in yours.
If you dont believe this, one day if/when you shoot enough you will. Sorry, its the way it is.
> reloading isnt always what you may have on hand as in supplies. So All you can do is to workup some loads and see if something works - better - or not for your particular firearm. Since you have some components, you can start there if you want. Its up to you.
good luck