We melted quickly, but I did get the BREN 2 red dot sighted in. Pic from last night.

Again, it worked perfectly, and I was happy with the results. These two groups are from me zeroing the AimPoint PRO.

Then I got stupid - I always want to see how a rifle will do at 100 yards standing. If I can't hit the steel at 100 yards with a rifle, it's not good to me. Well, I know I will hit the steel, but I also know I can do MUCH better than that, say, not burning up in 111 degree heat...but it will do, considering I am a fat old man, not a Delta Force Operator.

Da Boy tried the CZ 75B again, caught some interesting photos of muzzle flip and fast recovery.

However, at 100 yards he only hit the steel once, which is HIGHLY unusual...except for the massive heat. He suggested we bring it back to 25 so he can get used to the pistol at close range. Only that kid would call 25 yards close range...