If sanctions go away it will get lower than 5.56.
And that's just it. Sanctions on Russia
can go away in theory, but because Russians have a 12th Century mindset and always think in terms of "empire", their actions will always (at least within our lifetimes) always include aggression toward surrounding states. And all those states are now (or soon will be) members of NATO.
If Russia simply adopted the Democratic model of Finland and shared the money earned from their vast natural resource exports, then all the people of Russia could quickly (within years) have a lifestyle on-parr, or above the USA. And they could branch out and ship that discounted 7.62x39 to all their fan club members. Wouldn't that be nice. But 2 things stand in the way of that dream world....
1. The UN is going to see to it that the
first $500 Billion of any Russian export earnings go to rebuild Ukraine to its pre-invasion luster,
complete with millions in medical care for all the Ukrainian veterans.
2. Russians in general have a grandiose view of themselves, and so they always fall for these Mafia types that tell them "if they'll only elect them as supreme leader"... and here we go again.
7.62x39 is all over the world only because it was being exported to places all over the world. That is going to come to a stretching halt very soon.
"Repent, the end of 7.62x39 is nigh !"