Author Topic: Sight upgrade for Compact L  (Read 653 times)

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Offline parkgt

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Sight upgrade for Compact L
« on: January 30, 2025, 03:48:31 PM »
I have a CZ 75B Compact L that is my favorite handgun of all time. The problem is my tired old eyes (70+) are no longer equal to what the gun is capable of.  This is not a normal carry weapon although I do have several holsters.  It is primarily a home defense and range gun that I enjoy shooting. 

So I am looking for thoughts on upgrading to either a milled slide and a red dot like one of the Holsun's, or laser since this gun has a rail or both.

Insights or experience with this scenario would be appreciated.

Offline steel

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Re: Sight upgrade for Compact L
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2025, 10:08:12 PM »
I have a Compact L and it is my EDC favorite.  The gun has been my constant companion since I purchased it from CZC.  Considering the rarity of your gun I would hesitate to modify it.  Instead of milling the slide for an optic I would take that money and purchase a new CZ which is optic ready.  The Shadow 2 Compact or full size Shadow 2 come to mind.


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Re: Sight upgrade for Compact L
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2025, 03:53:06 PM »
Not very familiar with that particular model/CZC build but I am assuming it would work with P01 or SP01 slides? If so a company called Impact Machine offers P01 & SP01 complete slides that you could look into if you are married to using that frame but don’t want to alter the slide. That option would be expensive, but less expensive than a new gun so maybe something to consider?

Otherwise if you are milling curious you might consider a Holosun K footprint from a reputable company (“primary machine” would be my first choice, “wager machine” my second, I have had good experiences with both). For CZ 75 slides, the K footprint allows the optic to go in front of the iron sights and maintains the standard sight dovetail. It also keeps the optic low so the presentation is very similar to irons. This would be less expensive than a new slide or gun if that’s something that is a consideration for you.

Hope that was somewhat helpful.

Offline parkgt

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Re: Sight upgrade for Compact L
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2025, 07:18:47 PM »
I have a Compact L and it is my EDC favorite.  The gun has been my constant companion since I purchased it from CZC.  Considering the rarity of your gun I would hesitate to modify it.  Instead of milling the slide for an optic I would take that money and purchase a new CZ which is optic ready.  The Shadow 2 Compact or full size Shadow 2 come to mind.

I have come to the same conclusion as far as not messing with this one.  I previously had a Shadow from the Custom Shop in Mesa that I used for competition.  When I quit I sold that one and purchased the Compact L.   No other gun has felt as good in my hand and of course the function is smooth and flawless making it hard to step back.

May have to look into new sights to see it there are any that would help without altering the gun.

Offline briang2ad

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Re: Sight upgrade for Compact L
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2025, 10:24:57 AM »
The Compact L is very cool.  I wished that they made more and that CZ would have just offered it straight up - like the P02.  It has the advantages of light weight, a rail, and the safety. 

The safety on the L is a straight CZ compact type and easier to use (to me) than the Omega.  You also get the nice double bar action of the 75 series, and the ability to smooth and polish MUCH easier than a P01.  The 75 series was not designed with a decocking action in mind, but it DID turn out as a reliable and accurate gun.  The downside is that I've found the decocker guns to be less desirable in the DA trigger action, and harder to work on by far. 

The L deletes that and allows you to get a better trigger.  I think a downside is that it has no FPB - which is a consideration in carry.

UNLESS you REALLY need an optic, I would only upgrade the sights.   

Offline steel

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Re: Sight upgrade for Compact L
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2025, 09:53:37 PM »
My Compact L has a firing pin block.  Unless I am badly mistaken, all of them have a firing pin block.

Offline briang2ad

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Re: Sight upgrade for Compact L
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2025, 08:20:39 AM »
My mistake!  Excellent - even better.  I have no problem dropping the hammer on a live round - just takes practice - and the off hand thumb works great for this. 

(I was thinking wrongly of the Shadow 2 system).